chapter 5

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Chapter 5: the artifact

As it was decided who's going to get to the artifact and hopefully set everything normal.
The members sat down on the couch trying to relax a little as they still didn't know how to go to the artifact.

Jin looked at everyone then got up from his spot the members looking at him in confusion.
"Is anyone hungry?"

Silence, no voice came out of anyone, they were only looking at the oldest.
After sometime

"Damn all this shit made me forget we still need food to process" it was yoongi.
He got up and walked into the kitchen opening the fridge to see if they have any food or not.

"Yeah let's eat ,then we'll discuss how to get to the artifact, maybe we can talk to manager hyung" jimin said, namjoon nodded.

Jimin ruffled jungkook and taehyung's hair in adoration, he passed them walking towards the kitchen with namjoon.

"But before that i need a shower" hobi shouted while running towards his room.

After eating they decided to rest for a while before discussing the matter further. Everyone got into their rooms.

"Hey jungkookie" taehyung said jumping into jungkook's bed hugging the younger.

"Hi hyungie" jungkook said while giggling. He started caressing his hand on the olders' back, both falling asleep almost instantly in each other's arms.

"How did we get here...we were sleeping right?" Jungkook asked looking at the entrance of the airport. He touched his face to know he was was wearing a mask and sunglasses.

"Well seems like the flash went on when we were sleeping" Taehyung replied while adjusting his cap and wearing his mask properly.

He looked at jungkook and took off his sunglasses and made him wear a cap after ruffling his hair.

"Are you ready to save lives kookie" Taehyung asked wiggling his eyebrows playfully, extending his hand towards jungkook to take.

Jungkook rolled his eyes "yes and we aren't saving lives hyungie" he held taehyung's extanded hand and smiled.

"Okay then let's get over with it" the older said and both walked inside the airport.

As they set out to locate the artifact, Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling that their journey was leading them to something more profound than just breaking the time loop.
He and Jungkook had always been close, but this experience was drawing them even closer, revealing depths of their relationship they had never explored before.

They found themselves standing before an ancient temple in the heart of Seoul, the symbol from the photograph etched into the stone entrance.
Taking a deep breath, they stepped inside, the air thick with anticipation.

At the center of the temple, bathed in an ethereal glow, lay the artifact—a small, intricately carved relic that pulsed with an otherworldly energy.
As Taehyung and Jungkook approached it, the artifact seemed to resonate with their presence, as if acknowledging their bond.

"We have to do this together," Taehyung said, reaching out to grasp Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook squeezed Taehyung's hand tightly, his eyes filled with trust and determination. "Together."

As they touched the artifact, a wave of energy surged through them, unlocking memories and emotions long buried.

They saw glimpses of their past lives, moments shared across different timelines, and a promise made in another lifetime—to always find each other, no matter what.

The time loop began to unravel, the world around them shifting and realigning. When the light finally faded, they found themselves back in their dorm, the photographs gone but the memories and emotions still vivid in their minds.

Breathing heavily, Taehyung turned to Jungkook, their hands still entwined. "We did it," he whispered, a smile tugging at his lips.

Jungkook nodded, his gaze softening as he looked at Taehyung. "Yeah, we did. And I think we found something even more important along the way."

Their eyes met, and in that moment, everything fell into place. The bond they shared transcended time and space, a connection forged through countless lifetimes and unbreakable promises.

As they leaned in, their lips met in a gentle, heartfelt kiss, sealing their newfound understanding and the love that had always been there, waiting to be rediscovered.

The mystery of the photographs had led them to a deeper truth—one that would shape their future and strengthen their bond, no matter what challenges lay ahead. Together, they were unstoppable, their love a timeless force that would guide them through any adventure that awaited them.

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