chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Unexpected Confessions

The sun had barely risen, casting a soft golden glow over the dorm. The members were slowly starting their day, each following their morning routines.
In the midst of the usual bustle, Yoongi found himself in the living room, pondering over the events of the past few weeks. The playful bickering with Jimin, the moments of unintended intimacy, and the lingering looks had all built up to something he couldn’t ignore anymore.

As he sat there, sipping his coffee, Yoongi realized it was time to address his feelings. Taking a deep breath, he made a decision that both thrilled and terrified him.


Later that morning, as they gathered for a late breakfast, Yoongi caught Jimin’s eye across the table. Jimin, ever perceptive, noticed the uncharacteristic tension in Yoongi’s gaze.

“Hyung, is something wrong?” Jimin asked, his voice laced with concern.

Yoongi took another deep breath. This was it. “Jimin, can we talk? In private.”

Jimin nodded, curiosity and a hint of apprehension in his eyes. They excused themselves and headed to the rooftop, where they could speak without interruption.

Once they were alone, Yoongi struggled to find the right words.
“Jimin, I… I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About us.”

Jimin’s heart raced. He had a feeling where this was going, but hearing Yoongi say it out loud was something else entirely. “What do you mean, hyung?”

Yoongi ran a hand through his hair, clearly nervous. “I like you, Jimin. More than a friend. I’ve liked you for a while now, and I can’t keep pretending it’s not true.”

Jimin’s eyes widened, shock and disbelief washing over him.
He hadn’t expected Yoongi to be so straightforward.
“You… you like me?”

Yoongi nodded, his eyes sincere. “Yes, I do. I’m not expecting an answer right away, but I needed to tell you.”

Jimin’s mind was a whirlwind of emotions. He had always admired Yoongi, and the playful teasing had been his way of dealing with his own feelings.
But now, faced with Yoongi’s confession, he felt overwhelmed.

“I… I need some time,” Jimin stammered, taking a step back. “I didn’t expect this.”

Yoongi nodded, understanding. “Take all the time you need, Jimin. I’ll be here.”


For the next few days, Jimin found himself avoiding Yoongi, unable to process his own emotions. He kept himself busy, but every time he saw Yoongi, his heart would race, and he’d find an excuse to leave the room.

The other members noticed the tension but chose not to interfere, giving Jimin the space he needed.
Hoseok, in particular, tried to cheer Jimin up with his usual antics, but even he could see that Jimin was deeply conflicted.

One evening, as the sun set, Jimin found himself on the rooftop again, the cool breeze calming his racing thoughts. He realized that avoiding Yoongi was doing neither of them any good. He needed to face his feelings head-on.

Taking a deep breath, Jimin decided it was time to talk to Yoongi.


Yoongi was in his room, working on music, when Jimin knocked softly on the door. Yoongi looked up, surprise and hope flickering in his eyes.

“Can we talk, hyung?” Jimin asked, stepping inside.

Yoongi nodded, setting aside his work. “Of course.”

Jimin took a deep breath, his heart pounding. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said. About us.”

Yoongi’s expression was unreadable as he waited for Jimin to continue.

“The truth is, I like you too, Yoongi-hyung. I’ve liked you for a long time. But I was too scared to say anything,” Jimin confessed, his voice trembling slightly.

Yoongi’s eyes softened, a small smile playing on his lips. “Jimin…”

“I was so shocked when you told me how you felt,” Jimin continued, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I didn’t know how to handle it. But I can’t keep running away.”

Yoongi stood up, closing the distance between them.
He gently cupped Jimin’s face, looking into his eyes. “You don’t have to run away anymore, Jimin. I’m here. And I’m not going anywhere.”

Jimin’s heart soared at Yoongi’s words. Without another word, he closed the gap between them, capturing Yoongi’s lips in a tender, heartfelt kiss.

The kiss was soft and gentle, filled with all the unspoken emotions they had both been holding back. When they finally pulled away, they were both smiling, their hearts lighter than they had been in days.

“Thank you for being brave, Jimin,” Yoongi said, his voice soft.

“Thank you for waiting, Yoongi-hyung,” Jimin replied, his eyes shining with happiness.


The next morning, as they joined the others for breakfast, the change in their relationship was palpable. The playful bickering was still there, but it was now laced with affection and understanding.

The other members noticed the difference immediately. Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged knowing glances smirking to eachother, while Hoseok grinned from ear to ear.

“Looks like our Yoongi-hyung and Jiminie have finally sorted things out,” Namjoon observed, nudging Jin playfully.

Jin chuckled. “It’s about time.”

Yoongi and Jimin shared a smile, their hearts filled with contentment. They knew that there would be challenges ahead, but they were ready to face them together, their bond stronger than ever.

As they sat down to eat, the room was filled with laughter and love, the BTS family closer than ever.
And in that moment, they knew that no matter what came their way, they would always have each other.

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