chapter 12

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Chapter 12: A Fresh Start and New Adventures

With the mystery of the dad joke map behind them, the members of BTS returned to their dorm, feeling closer than ever.
The recent adventure had strengthened their bond, and they were ready for whatever new surprises life had in store.

The next morning, they gathered in the living room, still buzzing from their recent escapades. Jin, always one to keep things light, decided to break the silence with another dad joke. "Why did the scarecrow win an award?"

The room erupted in groans, already knowing the joke is from yesterday,but Jin continued unabated. "Because he was outstanding in his field!"

Everyone still laughed, the familiar punchline somehow funnier after their recent journey.
Yoongi, shaking his head, said, "I think we need to declare a temporary ban on dad jokes, Jin."

Jin feigned shock. "A ban? How will we survive without my comedic genius?"

Hoseok, the mood-lifter and sunshine of the group, jumped in with a mischievous grin. "I think we need a new kind of adventure today. How about a prank war?"

The room buzzed with excitement at the suggestion.
Prank wars were a favorite pastime, and they were always a source of hilarious moments and friendly competition.

Taehyung, eyes sparkling with mischief, turned to Jungkook. "Are you ready for this, Kookie?"

Jungkook grinned, his competitive spirit ignited. "Bring it on, Tae."

The teams were quickly formed: Taehyung, Jimin, and Jin against Jungkook, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok.
The rules were simple—no harmful pranks, and everyone had to stay in the dorm.

The battle began with Jimin sneaking into the kitchen, setting up a classic water bucket above the door.
Moments later, Jungkook walked in, triggering the trap and getting drenched. Laughter echoed through the dorm as Jungkook emerged, dripping wet but grinning.

"A classic nice start, Jimin-shii," he said, shaking his hair like a wet puppy, "but I have something better."

"Nice jiminie i like wet jungkook..look at his muscles" Taehyung said out of nowhere, scaring jimin a little who rolled his eyes at his soulmtes' behaviour.

Meanwhile, Yoongi and Hoseok were busy setting up their own prank in the living room.
They arranged a series of whoopee cushions on the couches and hid behind the curtains to watch the chaos unfold. As Jin, Taehyung, and Jimin plopped down on the couches, the unmistakable sound of flatulence filled the air, causing them to jump up in surprise.

Jin doubled over with laughter. "Classic! Who did this?"

Yoongi and Hoseok emerged, high-fiving each other. "That would be us," Yoongi said with a smirk.

Namjoon, not wanting to be outdone, devised a clever plan involving sticky notes. While the others were distracted, he covered Taehyung's room with hundreds of colorful sticky notes, each one with a motivational quote or a dad joke written on it.
When Taehyung discovered his room, he couldn't help but laugh at the sheer effort and creativity.

"Okay, Namjoon hyung you win, extra marks for creativity," Taehyung admitted, admiring the wall of sticky notes.

As the day progressed, the pranks became more elaborate and the laughter louder. Hoseok, ever the prankster, decided to take things up a notch with a harmless but startling trick.
He carefully placed a rubber spider in Yoongi's coffee cup and waited for the inevitable reaction.

When Yoongi finally took a sip and saw the spider, he nearly jumped out of his seat. "Hoseok!" he shouted, but he couldn't help but laugh along with everyone else.

By the end of the day, the dorm was a mess of sticky notes, water, and laughter.
The prank war had brought a fresh wave of joy and camaraderie to the group, reminding them that the best moments often came from the simplest pleasures.

As they settled down for dinner, Jin couldn't resist one last joke. "What do you call fake spaghetti? An impasta!"

The groans were immediate, but the smiles were genuine. The day's pranks and laughter had strengthened their bond even further, proving that no matter what adventures or mysteries awaited them, they would always face them together, with love, laughter, and a healthy dose of good-natured mischief.

And as they toasted to new adventures and everlasting friendship, they knew that their journey was far from over.

There would always be new mysteries to solve, new jokes to tell, and new moments to cherish, side by side.

"Okay i have one more jok-"


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