1| Paris, Here I Come!

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"Talking in Another Language"
*Talking on the Phone*

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A girl with red curly hair has her face nearly pressed against the plane window, her blue eyes twinkling in excitement, curiosity and wonder at the sight of the clouds and the cities and towns below. Beside her are four males, all staring at her tenderly with a smile on all their faces.

"So you see that, Annalise?" One of the males spoke up, catching the attention of the girl who turned to him in question. The male smiled at her curious expression before speaking up, "That's the world. It's big and beautiful, isn't it? It's also round, not like what the maps show and others say"

"I know the world's round, James. I learned it just recently. I didn't even know why others still believe it's flat? Like how? Why? There's literally no evidence of the earth being flat" The red haired girl, Annalise, pouted before her brows furrowed in confusion, while the males all laughed at what she said.

"I know, Anna. James just mentioned it because all of us, when were still around 4 years old, we thought the earth is flat because all we held are maps when we study" Another male, Edward, told the girl, who widened her eyes before looking at them in shock before bursting in giggles.

"Yeah. And I clearly remember how we were...punished...after...." Another male, William, spoke up, however his voice trailed off as he drifted back into his past memories, followed him is the rest of the males. The girl, sensing the sudden shift, stopped laughing and saw them looking down or anywhere with absent eyes.

Frowning, Annalise began to think of what she could do when suddenly she remember the snacks she packed and immediately grabbed her carry on bag and shook all the snacks before giving it to each of them. The males perked up at this and brightened up once they saw that it was their favorite snacks.

"Well you remembered my favorites so it's only fair that I remember all of yours....but just to be sure... Is it your favorites right? I might remembered it wrong! Or I might've forgot it o-or-" The girl was then silenced by the tallest of the males by patting her head, a small smile present on his face.

"Yes, Anna. It's all our favorites. And even if it's not, if it came from you, our dear sister, then we'll gladly accept it" The male, Alexander, said softly, which made Annalise blush. Her eyes saw the agreement of her other brothers and blushed brighter.

The rest of the flight was full of wonder from Annalise and laughter from her brothers. Annalise still couldn't believe that they are now going to Paris, her first destination on her list of countries she wanted to go to.

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