3| Another Blonde Friend

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"Talking in Another Language"
*Talking on the Phone*

"Talking""Talking in Another Language" 'Thinking'*Talking on the Phone*

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Annalise can be seen walking by herself in the sidewalk. Her red hair bounced along her tiny skips. She hummed random tunes to herself, ignoring the stares she got because of her hair.

As she was walking, she saw a black cat crossing the busy road. No one stepped up to save it. Annalise hesitated, her gaze remained solely on the oblivious cat. In a split second, she sprinted and picked up the cat who's in the middle of the road.

Everyone gasped at her action, and each cars instantly honked and hit their brakes. Her surroundings didn't register since she was busy calming down the cat who's scratching her because of her sudden touch. Annalise, who felt his skinny the cat is, didn't dare let go and just continued to try and soothe the cat.

Suddenly, a large hand firmly held her shoulder which made her flinch and snap her head to the male who held her shoulder. She squeaked softly when her doe eyes met with his frustrated glare. She felt herself trembling in fear, her legs stiff and her pursed lips trembled.

"Hey. Stop that! Sorry, if my bodyguard scared you miss..." A gentle voice spoke up which made Annalise turn to the source and there she saw a blonde boy with kind and gentle green eyes. She subconsciously walked towards him, away from the man who was actually the boy's bodyguard.

"We're actually in a hurry, that's why my body guard is frustrated. And the fact that you just ran in the middle of the...road..." The blonde boy sheepishly said to Annalise before trailing off due to him noticing the scratches on the girl's arms, chest and cheek which was already dripping with blood.

"Oh gosh!! Are you okay!? Ugh! Sorry, stupid question! Uh! I don't have any first aid with me or in the car.." The boy panicked before Annalise softly patted his blonde hair, which both stunned and flustered the boy, however, this went unnoticed by Annalise.

"It's fine. I'll just tie it with a handkerchief or something." Annalise said with a giggle, before retracting her hand and petting the docile cat in her arms, wincing at every move due to the scratches. The blonde boy however didn't take it as a joke, instead he was very worried with how much blood there is.

"Okay, you're coming with me! I have first aid in my house or we'll drive you to the hospit-" The blonde suggested but he was cut off by Annalise who exclaimed, "No!", which startled the boy.

"I-I meant I can't go to the hospital. Bad memories. Uh it also triggers me! I can just go to your home then!" Annalise briefly informed him before agreeing with his first suggestion which once again startled the boy but nonetheless escorted her in his car, against his bodyguard's wishes.

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