16| Far Too Long

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"Talking in Another Language"
*Talking on the Phone*

"Talking""Talking in Another Language" 'Thinking'*Talking on the Phone*

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“Can you be more idiotic?! Going with an akumatized villain, alone?!” Ladybug's voice echoed through the empty boat, her anger palpable. She had just captured and purified the Akuma, and now she turned her fury on Annalise.

“Just because you’re spoiled, don’t think the whole world will change just for you! If I hadn’t arrived in time, you might’ve been akumatized too!” Ladybug’s harsh words caused Annalise to flinch, her eyes wide with shock.

Cat Noir, standing beside Ladybug, felt a mix of anger and worry. He had been frantic when one of Annalise's brothers found him and explained what was happening. Trying to be the voice of reason, he placed a hand on Ladybug’s shoulder. “Ladybug, I think she gets it–”

“She doesn’t!” Ladybug cut him off, her voice cold. “She’s so full of herself that she thinks we’ll always be there to save her!” She pointed accusingly at Annalise, her glare piercing. Cat Noir's frown deepened at the harshness of her words.

“Ladybug! Take ba–”

“Isn’t that what you just said earlier? You told me you would be there to save everyone. So why can’t I do what I want if you’re always going to save me?” Annalise's voice was defiant, referencing Ladybug’s earlier promise in the library.

Ladybug stuttered, momentarily at a loss for words, taken aback by Annalise’s pointed retort.

Just then, William and the rest of Annalise's brothers arrived, their faces etched with fury. They had heard Ladybug shouting and throwing insults at their baby sister, which made them regret ever letting Annalise get involved in this situation.

"Aren't you getting a little too hostile, Ladybug? Do you have some personal problem with Annalise?" Alexander said, walking over to the heroes. His towering height and sharp gaze made Ladybug flinch. She faltered and stepped back, only to catch herself and halt.

"That's none of your business, sir. Besides, if you can't see, not only is she a liar but she's also a manipulator and idiotic—"

"Silence. How dare you badmouth Annalise? Are you the hero that Paris is very proud of? Such disappointment. The one you see as a sidekick is better than you," Alexander retorted sharply. He then nodded at Cat Noir, a sign of respect, which made Cat Noir sigh in relief. Alexander cast one last glare at Ladybug before turning back to his siblings, who were arguing over who would carry Annalise, whose legs had gone numb from Nathaniel collapsing on her lap.

"Stop fighting. I'll do it. Ed, carry Nathaniel, and let's drive to his home first," Alexander ordered. Edward reluctantly lifted Nathaniel over his shoulders while Alexander carried Annalise like a child, causing her to squeak and blush as the heroes watched.

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