4| One After Another

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"Talking in Another Language"
*Talking on the Phone*

"Talking""Talking in Another Language" 'Thinking'*Talking on the Phone*

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"Oh! Don't worry, William. I'm in my first boy friend's house!!" Annalise excitedly told her brother, thinking that he would be happy but when she heard him scream and followed by a thud on the phone, she frowned in worry.

"Brother? Are you okay? Are you mad? Brother!! Please answer!!" Annalise cried out but the only response was the call ending. She was frozen in her seat before she began to tear up at the thought of her brother getting mad at her.

Her sniffles and muffled sobs didn't go unnoticed by Adrien, who was secretly trying to understand what the call was about because he doesn't understand the language she's using but he hears the sudden fear in her voice. Feeling worried about why she suddenly cries, he stopped what he was doing and went to her.

He sat beside her curled up figure. Her bright red hair covered her face like a veil. He hesitated for a bit before poking her arm which made her look up a bit, revealing only her teary doe eyes. For the first time, Adrien felt the urge to protect someone, who is Annalise.

"What's wrong, Annalise? You can tell me if you want. I know we just met but sharing can lessen the burden or pain sometimes..." Adrien softly said, a sympathetic smile on his face. His gaze quickly flashed with sadness before it went gone. Annalise noticed it but she was too caught up in her thoughts to address it. However, she felt comforted by him and immediately tackled him in a hug, which ended them lying on the couch with Annalise on top of a shock and blushing Adrien.

"My brother is mad at me. I don't want him to be mad at me. I don't want them to stop loving me....What should I do?" Annalise said, her voice soft and shaky due to trying to hold back from crying too much because she doesn't want to be a burden to her possible new friend.

"Well, why do you think he's mad? And what did you said to him that made him react like that?" Adrien asked, after he snapped out of his shock. He repositioned them, with him sitting while Annalise is on his lap, still tightly hugging him. He sighed at her silence, possibly trying to remember what she said.

Adrien never thought that he would be this comfortable with a stranger's touch. For as long as he remember, he was always touched by strangers or people he doesn't know quiet well. From pinching his cheeks when he was a child to the simple touches when he is modeling or the parties he went to. He doesn't know why, but he always has this dislike for being touched suddenly or without any initiatives from him but he endured it, just for his mother and father.

Nobody knew about it. Because he never told anyone, thinking that he would get used to the touches but it grew worse when he became famous and he met his best friend, Chloe. At the start, it took him his whole energy just to put up a smile to hide his discomfort, but as he grew up, it became easier until he could smile in an instant. However, deep inside, his dislike for touches never faded.

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