13| The First Petal

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"Talking in Another Language"
*Talking on the Phone*

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"Good morning, Nathaniel!" Annalise's cheerful voice broke through Nathaniel's focus, causing him to flinch slightly in surprise. He paused his drawing and turned to see Annalise settling down beside him.

"Oh, uh, good morning, Annalise," Nathaniel replied, his expression softening as he greeted her back. Her sudden presence always managed to catch him off guard, yet he couldn't help but feel a warmth in her company.

Annalise's worry was evident in her downturned eyes as she asked about the previous day's villain incident. "Are you okay, Nathaniel? There was a villain at the park yesterday, freezing people... I wasn't sure if you might have been affected."

Nathaniel blinked at her genuine concern, feeling a flutter of fluster in his chest. "I-I'm fine," he assured her quickly, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Luckily, I stayed home yesterday. When Stormy Weather started freezing people, I wasn't out."

Concern for Annalise flickered across his features. "And you? Are you alright? I heard one of the Von Nacht brothers was there taking pictures of someone with red hair and I assumed that they're you."

Annalise chuckled sheepishly, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah it's me. We were having a photoshoot trial for me. Well, I'm okay now. I may have run away a bit too quickly, but I ended up getting frozen in the end." Her eyes sparkled with amusement despite the memory.

Nathaniel couldn't help but sigh in relief, though his worry lingered. He reached out instinctively, his hand hovering just above her head before gently patting her hair. He felt a rush of warmth as Annalise's expression softened into bliss.

"Just... be careful next time, okay?" Nathaniel managed to say, his cheeks flushing as he realized his action. He averted his gaze, hoping she didn't notice his blush. 'She's like a cat, or a cute cuddly kitten,' he thought to himself, recalling a conversation she'd had with Juleka and Rose.

Annalise's demeanor brightened suddenly, as if remembering something important. "Oh! I forgot to mention why I wanted to talk to you. I was hoping you could tutor me in some subjects, if you're okay with that!" She produced her colorful notebooks eagerly, her eyes shining with determination.

Nathaniel's blush deepened at her request, recalling his offer to help her when they first met.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, I'm not exactly academically strong. History and art, maybe a bit of French literature, but Max... Max is probably better suited to help you. He's the smartest in our class," Nathaniel began hesitantly, his words trailing off as Annalise shook her head with a grateful expression.

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