17| Unusual Beginning

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"Talking in a different language"
"Talking in the phone"

"Talking""Talking in a different language"'Thinking'"Talking in the phone"

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"Well, let me introduce myself once again. I'm Homura Tsurugi, but you can just call me Homura, and it has been far too long since I saw you, amore," the boy, now known as Homura, said with a bow. He responded to her curtsy by gently taking her hand and kissing the back of it, his eyes locked onto hers. Those oceanic eyes were the only ones that had ever captivated him so completely.

Annalise squeaked in surprise, and Homura immediately stepped back, an apologetic look on his face. "I apologize. Do my actions make you uncomfortable, amore? Please tell me if they do. Your comfort is my priority above all else," he said, his expression serious.

"N-no, it just makes me feel giddy and flustered! You actually look like a prince from the books I've read, and my brother said you're strong? You're so amazing!" Annalise rambled nervously. Despite her babbling, Homura could feel the sincerity in her words. Her praise wasn't for show or to win his favor; it was simply her honest opinion.

A ring interrupted their moment. Annalise turned to her brother, who had pulled out his phone and was now frowning at the caller ID. Annalise looked worried, while Homura shot an icy glare at Alexander for interrupting Annalise's voice, which he so loved to hear.

"Sorry, Annalise. Mother is planning another meeting. Can I leave you here? The driver or one of us will pick you up later; just send us a message," Alexander said after a brief call. Annalise nodded enthusiastically, and Homura smiled at her response.

"Well, Tsurugi-san, I'm counting on you to take care of our sister. If I ever see her silent or uneasy, I won't hesitate to ruin your family's reputation, got it?" Alexander warned, glaring at Homura. He already disliked him for his bold actions toward Annalise, both now and previously. However, he knew that having a trainer her age would suit Annalise's comfort more, given her past intimidation by adults.

"Affirmative. Any bruises or scratches she may get during our training will be treated. It's inevitable, after all. And besides, Alexander-san, her comfort, safety, and happiness are my top priorities," Homura replied, meeting Alexander's glare without backing down. Alexander glared at him one last time before speaking briefly to Annalise and leaving them alone.

"Shall we go have a tour while we head to the private dojo?" Homura asked, extending his elbow. Annalise looped her arm around his, giggling at the princely gesture, and began to follow him inside. As they walked, Homura explained the significance of each door and hall they passed in simple terms.

After a while, they arrived at the dojo Homura had mentioned. Annalise was in awe of the room's architecture. She had never seen any traditional houses from other countries, especially Japan. "Is your house fully traditional? It really looks so cool."

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