8| The New Girl

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"Talking in Another Language"
*Talking on the Phone*

"Talking""Talking in Another Language" 'Thinking'*Talking on the Phone*

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"Good morning, everyone! Today, we have a new student joining us," a female teacher announced with a warm, welcoming smile. Her eyes scanned the room, full of eager students. At this mention, Annalise, seated between Rose and Juleka, began fiddling with her fingers, a clear sign of her nervousness. The new environment and unfamiliar faces made her heart race.

"Sorry for being late, Miss Bustier! I-I almost u-uh...got run over!" A dark-haired girl burst into the classroom, her voice a mixture of panic and relief. She flung the door open with such force that it slammed against the wall, causing Annalise to jump in her seat with a loud squeak. Her face turned crimson as all eyes, including the late student's, turned toward her.

"It's alright, Marinette. Please take your sea— Oh, Adrien! We're all glad that you could attend class today; we know how busy you are!" Miss Bustier's voice shifted from guiding Marinette to welcoming Adrien, who had just entered. Marinette quickly found her seat, her cheeks still flushed from the rush.

Adrien walked in, looking noticeably tired, with shadows under his eyes betraying a sleepless night. Miss Bustier's perceptive gaze caught this immediately. He managed a polite smile and nodded in acknowledgment of her concern, his fatigue evident in the slow pace of his steps. He settled into his seat, setting down his bag with a sigh, and exchanged a fist bump with Nino Lahiffe, his friend sitting next to him.

"Okay, once again. We have a new student joining us starting today! Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" Miss Bustier said, turning her kind gaze to Annalise. Annalise flinched slightly under the attention before she stood up, her legs feeling like jelly as she made her way to the front of the classroom.

Adrien's eyes widened in surprise and recognition. "Annalise?!" he exclaimed loudly, unintentionally drawing everyone's attention to him. Marinette and Chloe immediately turned their gazes toward Annalise, with Chloe's eyes narrowing into a glare.

Hearing the familiar voice, Annalise's eyes searched the room until they landed on Adrien. Her initial nervousness vanished, replaced by a joyful grin as she waved at him excitedly. "Adrien!! I didn't know you studied here too! If I had known, I would've told you! Oh wait, I don't have any contact information...maybe we can exchange later!" she said cheerfully, causing Adrien to laugh and nod in agreement.

Remembering her task, Annalise turned back to the class. "My name is Annalise! You can call me Anna for short! I'm 14 years old! I like exploring, music, photography, and any kind of art! Like fashion designing, interior designing, abstract art, and many more! Oh! I also love sweet and spicy things, but I don't like bitter and sour things. I love any color as long as it's pastel! A-and— Oh! I'm rambling! I-I'm sorry!" she stammered, her cheeks flushing as she hid her face in her hands, wishing she could disappear from the embarrassment.

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