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In the depths of the Underworld, Hades convened a rare meeting with Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead. The chamber was dimly lit, the flickering torches casting long shadows on the ancient stone walls. Anubis, with his jackal head and calm demeanor, stood across from Hades, his eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom.
"It is always an honor to meet with you, Anubis," Hades said, his tone respectful but tinged with concern. "But today, my mind is troubled."
Anubis inclined his head. "I sense your unease, Hades. What troubles you so?"
Hades sighed, his gaze drifting towards the entrance of the chamber. "Persephone was due to return from the mortal realm days ago. She has never been late before. I fear something may have happened to her."
Anubis nodded thoughtfully. "The realms are turbulent these days. I understand your worry. Perhaps she was delayed by unforeseen events."
Before Hades could respond, the air in the chamber grew colder, and a figure emerged from the shadows. Hel, the Norse deity of the dead, stepped forward, her pale face set in a grim expression. Her half-dead, half-alive appearance was unsettling, but it was her news that sent a chill through Hades's heart.
"Hades," Hel said, her voice echoing softly. "I bring grave news."
Hades's eyes narrowed. "What is it, Hel? Speak quickly."
Hel took a deep breath. "Persephone has been taken. Zeus, in his anger, has captured her. He could not let her defiance go unpunished."
Hades's expression darkened, his fists clenching at his sides. "Zeus! I should have known he wouldn't let her rejection go. Where is she now?"
Hel shook her head. "That, I do not know. His wrath is unpredictable, and he has hidden her well."
Anubis stepped closer, his presence calming. "We must act with caution, Hades. Rushing in blindly could endanger her further."
Hades struggled to maintain his composure, his rage barely contained. "I will not stand idly by while my queen is held captive. We must find her, and we must act swiftly."
Hel placed a hand on Hades's arm, her touch cold but reassuring. "We will help you, Hades. I will call upon my forces, and Anubis will lend his wisdom and strength. Together, we will find Persephone and bring her back."
Anubis nodded in agreement. "Indeed. The gods of the dead must stand united. Zeus has overstepped his bounds, and he will face the consequences."
Hades took a deep breath, his resolve hardening. "Thank you, both of you. I will not rest until Persephone is safe. Zeus will pay for his arrogance."
With a newfound determination, Hades turned to his allies. "Prepare for a journey to the mortal realm. We will start our search there. Hel, gather your forces. Anubis, your wisdom will guide us. Together, we will bring Persephone back."
As they left the chamber, the Underworld seemed to pulse with a renewed energy, its ruler ready to defy even the king of the gods to save his beloved. The alliance of the gods of the dead was a formidable one, and Zeus would soon learn the true power of their wrath.

Hades emerged from the shadowy depths of the Underworld, his heart heavy with dread and determination. The mortal realm greeted him with a stark contrast to his domainâ€"bright sunlight, bustling life, and the vibrant energy of the living. But Hades had no time to marvel at the differences. His queen, Persephone, was missing, and he would stop at nothing to find her.
His journey took him across continents and realms, seeking the wisdom and assistance of gods, demigods, and mystical creatures. Each meeting brought him closer to the truth, yet the trail remained elusive. Finally, he arrived at a serene temple in the Himalayas, where he sought an audience with Vishnu, one of the principal deities of the Hindu pantheon.
Vishnu greeted Hades with calm composure, his serene eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the universe's complexities. "Welcome, Hades," he said, his voice soothing. "What brings you to our realm?"
Hades wasted no time with pleasantries. "Vishnu, I seek my queen, Persephone. She was taken by Zeus, and I fear for her safety. Please, tell me if you know anything."
Vishnu's expression turned somber. "I have heard troubling whispers, Hades. Shiva, the destroyer, may have more concrete knowledge. He awaits you in the inner sanctum."
Hades followed Vishnu to the inner sanctum, where Shiva sat in meditation. The powerful god opened his eyes as they approached, his gaze piercing and filled with ancient wisdom.
"Hades," Shiva said, his voice resonant. "I am aware of your plight. It pains me to be the bearer of dark news, but you must know the truth."
Hades's heart pounded. "Tell me, Shiva. What has become of Persephone?"
Shiva took a deep breath, his expression grave. "Zeus, in his fury, has committed an unforgivable act. He violated Persephone, and in his madness, he ended her life."
The words hit Hades like a physical blow. He staggered, the weight of the revelation overwhelming. For a moment, the world around him seemed to fade, leaving only the crushing agony of loss.
"Persephone... my queen..." Hades whispered, his voice breaking. "Zeus will pay for this."
Shiva nodded solemnly. "I share in your grief, Hades. This act disrupts the balance of the cosmos. You must gather your strength and confront Zeus, but remember, vengeance alone cannot restore what has been lost."
Vishnu stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Hades's shoulder. "We will aid you in seeking justice. The gods cannot allow such an atrocity to go unanswered."
Hades straightened, his eyes blazing with a mix of sorrow and fury. "Thank you, Vishnu. Thank you, Shiva. I will confront Zeus, and he will face the consequences of his actions."
With newfound resolve, Hades left the temple. He journeyed across realms, gathering alliesâ€"gods, heroes, and mythical creaturesâ€"all united by a common cause. The alliance grew, a formidable force ready to challenge Zeus's tyranny.
   His travels brought him to the United States, New Orleans in fact. He was there to speak to one of the heroes of old. The one he allowed to exit his realm, Orpheus. Entering the bar, Hades was followed with a cloud of black mist and shadow. The bartender was not human, but the sight of the god of the underworld walking into the bar set him over the edge. He dropped the glass he was cleaning and ducked behind the bar. Hades ignored the creature as he effortlessly walked towards the stage. Orpheus was sitting on a stool picking at his guitar. The chill up his spine caused the musician to look up from his six string.
"Hades?" He asked perplexed at the god walking towards him. Hades never left his relm.
"Orpheus." His raspy deep voice and slight accent. Hades kept his dark eyes on the moody musician before him. His thoughts brought him back to the first time he met Orpheus.
In the context of ancient Greek mythology, Orpheus is a legendary musician, poet, and prophet. His tale is most famously known for his journey to the Underworld to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, after she dies from a snake bite.
Orpheus, known for his enchanting music, married Eurydice. Their love is deep and true, but tragedy strikes when Eurydice is bitten by a snake and dies.Overwhelmed with grief, Orpheus decides to venture into the Underworld to bring Eurydice back. Using his lyre, he plays music so beautiful that it moves even the spirits of the dead. His music softens the heart of Hades, the god of the Underworld, and Persephone, his queen. Hades agrees to let Eurydice return with Orpheus to the living world on one condition: Orpheus must walk in front of her and not look back until they have both reached the upper world. As they near the exit of the Underworld, doubt and anxiety overcome Orpheus. Fearing he might have been deceived, he looks back to check if Eurydice is still behind him. The moment he does, she is pulled back into the Underworld, lost to him forever Devastated by his loss, Orpheus swears off love  and wanders the earth playing mournful music. Ultimately, he meets a tragic end at the hands of Maenads, followers of Dionysus, who tear him apart in a frenzied state. His head and lyre are said to have continued to sing and play as they floated down the river. Persephone found orpheus on one spring morning and helped the Demigod find another body. She blessed him and allowed him to live his life. Grateful for his second chance, Orpheus not only served the goddess but set up his musical career. Now he resides in the big easy, singing his melodies to ease strangers.
"How may I assist you lord Hades?" Orpheus sat his guitar down and walked to the edge of the stage.
"Something terrible has happened to Persephone." Hades' words were filled with anger and sorrow. Orpheus picked up on this and he quickly hopped off the stage to stand besides the dark one.
"What? She was just here last week." Orpheus was too overcome with grief. He explained that she often listened to his concerts when she was above ground.
"She is dead." Hades ephosied
"I'm sorry I know your pain, But you of every one should know death is permanent unless you are Jesus." orpheus add.
"Don't speak to me about things I know and deal with on the daily." Hades hisses. Orpheus raised his hands.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to misspeak, I am only wondering why you are here."
"Speak plain next time for my patience has escaped me ever since the news." Orpheus bowed his head a bit, understanding his wrath.
"I am here trying to understand why this happened. Zeus has done ignorant and reckless things in the past, but this is far more devastating. My wife!" He paused to catch himself from exploding into anger.
"How can I help?" Orphues whispered.
"An ally like yourself is well accepted. I also would like to know where she was in the last scene. I wish to try and make some sort of sense of this catastrophe."
"Are you going to war with Zeus?" Orpheus asked. The side glance Hades gave him was all Orpheus needed to know.

"When she wasn't here or downtown, she often liked to visit this cafe

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"When she wasn't here or downtown, she often liked to visit this cafe. It sells coffee and beignets. Small pastries with powdered sugar." Orpheus explains.
"I will keep in contact." Hades form disappeared in a swirl of black smoke and ash as he teleported out of the bar.

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