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Eve and Ruth trudged through the dimly lit streets of New Orleans; their search fruitless. They had been at it for hours, combing every alley and hidden corner, but there was no sign of the manor god they sought. Eve's frustration was palpable, and Ruth's usually buoyant spirit was visibly dampened.

"We're not going to find him like this," Eve said, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "We need to regroup and think of another plan."

Ruth nodded, stifling a yawn. "Let's head back to your place. Maybe we'll think of something there."

They made their way back to Eve's apartment, the familiar streets offering a small measure of comfort. When they arrived, the building was shrouded in darkness, the only light coming from the streetlamp outside. Eve unlocked the door, and they stepped inside, both pausing as they sensed an unusual presence.

"Eve," Ruth whispered, her voice tense. "Do you feel that?"

Before Eve could respond, a figure emerged from the shadows, his eyes gleaming with an eerie light. Hades, the god of the underworld, stood before them, his expression unreadable.

"Eve, Ruth," he said, his voice a deep rumble that seemed to vibrate through the room. "I've been waiting for you."

Eve's heart raced, but she managed to keep her voice steady. "Hades. What are you doing here?"

"I don't know where else to go." Hade sat down at her table and moped. Eve and ruth enter and closed the door behind them. Eve then made her way towards the god.

Eve glanced at Ruth, then back at Hades. "If we help you, how do you plan to stop Zeus?"

Hades' expression darkened. "I have many resources at my disposal. I can bring back fallen heroes to fight for our cause. I can summon creatures from the depths of the underworld. I even considered freeing the Titans, but they would likely destroy the world rather than aid me, given I've been their jailer for millennia." Eve frowned, considering his words. "What about other gods and goddesses? Would they help you?" Hades nodded slowly. "It's possible. Some may be swayed to our side, especially if they see evidence of the sin and the threat Zeus poses."

Ruth crossed her arms, her skepticism evident. "And what's in it for us, besides the obvious risks?" Hades' gaze softened as he looked at her. "I understand your concerns. For you, Ruth, I offer financial support for your education. For Eve, the chance to protect those you care about from Zeus' wrath. And perhaps," he added, a hint of a smile returning, "a measure of divine protection." Eve looked at Ruth, seeing the conflict in her friend's eyes. "If we can show your people what's really happening, get them on our side, would that help?"

Hades nodded. "Yes. If you can bring the truth to light, it would help gather support."

"Well, I'm going to help you no matter what. What Zeus did to her and you, that is unforgivable. You deserve justice." Eve added.

"I want my revenge." The growl from Hades's thought echoes through the apartment. It sacred the two women. Eve pushed past the fear and placed a hand on Hades's shoulder.

"You can stay here if you like. This place isn't as great as your kingdom I know, but you are welcome to stay." Eve gave Hades a warm smile. The god eased up and sighed deeply.

"Thank you." Hades' voice softened.

"Let's get something to eat and we can brainstorm some more huh?" Ruth finally spoke up.

"Very well." Hades glanced at the blonde who kept her distance.

"Oh, and you are paying." Ruth added. Hades rolled his eyes at the comment.

Hades, Ruth, and Eve sat in a cozy corner of a dimly lit restaurant in downtown New Orleans. The ambient jazz music provided a soothing backdrop as they huddled over a table filled with New Orleans cuisine. Hades, looking unusually inconspicuous in a dark coat and hat, leaned forward, his eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight.

Hades began, his voice a low rumble. "There's much you need to understand about the situation with Zeus." Ruth nodded, curiosity and apprehension mingling in her expression. "You mentioned something about the Olympians' great hall?" Hades took a sip of his drink before continuing. "Indeed. The Olympians convene in their great hall, which is located in Washington, D.C. It's a hidden place, shielded from mortal eyes and filled with the power of the gods. This is where they make their decisions, plan their moves, and, unfortunately, where Zeus consolidates his influence." Eve leaned in; her brow furrowed. "So, what exactly happens there? And how do we stop Zeus?" Hades placed his hands on the table, fingers steepled. "The great hall is the center of their power. Zeus has been using it to rally support among the gods and goddesses, twisting their loyalty with promises and threats. To stop him, we need to disrupt this power base, expose his plans, and rally those who are opposed to his tyranny."

Ruth's eyes widened. "And how do we get in there? I mean, it's not like we can just walk into the place." Hades smiled, a faint hint of amusement in his eyes. "You're right. It's not that simple. The hall is protected by powerful enchantments and guarded by beings loyal to Zeus. But I am a god of the pantheon, so I am allowed to enter. You two, however, I need to sneak in."

Even considering this, her mind racing. "And the phone, the one with the recordings of Zeus' misdeeds—how do we use it to gain support? And how do we get in?"

Hades nodded approvingly. "That orb or phone is our key. It contains undeniable evidence of Zeus' corruption and the havoc he has wrought. Showing it to the right individuals can turn the tide in our favor. We need to be strategic about who we approach and how we present our case." Ruth took a bite of her food, thinking. "So, we gather allies, expose Zeus, and disrupt the great hall's power. But how can you sneak us in?" Hades' expression grew somber.

"As for the creatures from the deep, they are my contingency. If the battle goes ill, they can be summoned to aid us, though I prefer not to unleash such chaos unless absolutely necessary I can bring one of you inside. I possess a helmet that grants the wearer invisibility."

Eve looked at Ruth, a silent understanding passing between them.

"Yes, I remember the Greek myth of your helmet." Eve nodded. Ruth was oblivious to what they were talking about. As they discussed it, Ruth's eyes wandered around the restaurant.

"We need to act quickly," Eve said. "Every moment we wait, Zeus grows stronger."

Hades nodded. "Agreed. We must leave for Washington, D.C., soon. We comfort Zeus at th4e hall and then, we will begin our search for allies and start our campaign to expose Zeus."

Ruth glanced around the restaurant; her mind filled with the enormity of their task. "This is going to be dangerous, isn't it?"

Hades met her gaze, his eyes filled with solemn determination. "Yes. But it is necessary."

As they finished their meal, a sense of urgency and purpose settled over them. They had a plan, and though the path ahead was fraught with peril, they knew they had to see it through. The great hall awaited, and with it, the chance to change the course of history.

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