Ch 26

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In New Olympus, the grand halls of Zeus' palace echoed with the soft whisper of a celestial breeze. The portal through which Zeus had been spying on Hades and Eve shimmered briefly before dissipating into the ether. Zeus, his face contorted with malevolent glee, contemplated his newfound advantage.
As he pondered his next move, the messenger god Hermes entered the chamber, his winged sandals barely making a sound on the polished marble floor. Hermes had always been swift and elusive, but there was an unusual gravity in his step today. He approached Zeus with a mix of caution and determination.
"Father," Hermes began, bowing slightly, "I have come to speak with you about the path you are taking. This war with Hades... it has gone too far. It's causing unnecessary pain and destruction." Zeus turned to face his son, his expression a mix of disdain and curiosity. "Hermes, always the mediator. What makes you think I need your counsel?"
"Because I care about the harmony of the cosmos," Hermes replied, standing tall despite the tension in the air. "There's still a chance to end this conflict without more bloodshed. I implore you to reconsider your course of action." Zeus's eyes flashed with anger, but he tempered his voice with a veneer of calm. "And what would you suggest, Hermes? Should I simply forgive Hades for his insubordination? For plotting against me?"
Hermes took a deep breath, knowing the risk he was taking. "Hades seeks justice, not mindless rebellion. If you can find it in your heart to negotiate, to find a compromise, we can restore balance. Even now, I offer you a second chance to choose a different path."
For a moment, silence filled the hall. Zeus stared at Hermes, his eyes searching for any hint of deceit or weakness. Then, a cruel smile spread across his face.
"A second chance?" Zeus echoed, his voice dripping with mockery. "You presume much, Hermes. But it seems you are blind to the reality of power. There is no room for weakness. And your sentimentality has made you weak." Hermes braced himself, knowing what was coming but unwilling to back down. "Father, if you cannot see reason, then you are the true threat to our world." With a sudden, furious motion, Zeus raised his hand, summoning a bolt of lightning from the heavens. The energy crackled with intense fury, illuminating the chamber in a blinding flash. Hermes barely had time to react as the bolt struck him, searing through his divine form. A strangled cry escaped Hermes' lips as he fell to the ground, his body convulsing with the remaining currents of divine electricity. Zeus stood over him, his face a mask of cold indifference. "Let this be a lesson to all who defy me," Zeus declared, his voice booming through the halls. "Mercy is for the weak. Power belongs to those who seize it."
Hermes' once-vibrant eyes dulled as the life faded from him, his final breath a soft whisper lost in the vastness of Olympus. The other gods, drawn by the commotion, gathered at a distance, their faces etched with shock and fear. None dared to challenge Zeus, not after witnessing the fate of Hermes. Zeus turned away from his fallen son, his thoughts already returning to his schemes against Hades. He had eliminated one more potential obstacle, but the path ahead was still fraught with challenges. As he strode away, the remaining few gods of Olympus could only watch in silence, the weight of Hermes' death heavy in the air. The message was clear: defiance would be met with swift and deadly retribution.

In the grand hall of Olympus, the air crackled with tension. Zeus, now more determined than ever to exploit Hades' newfound weakness, summoned his son, the demigod Perseus. The hero, known for slaying monsters and completing impossible quests, appeared before his father in a flash of divine light.
Perseus, his armor gleaming and his sword strapped to his side, bowed respectfully. "Father, you summoned me?"
Zeus regarded his son with a steely gaze. "Perseus, I have a task for you. One that requires your unparalleled skills and loyalty."
Perseus stood tall, ready to accept any challenge. "What is it you need, Father?"
Zeus leaned forward on his throne, his eyes narrowing. "There is a mortal girl named Eve. She is allied with Hades and has become a significant weakness to him. I want you to go to her, capture her, and bring her to me. She must be unharmed but secured."
Perseus hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with questions. "Father, what do you intend to do with her?" Zeus' expression hardened. "That is not your concern, Perseus. She is a pawn in this war between Hades and me. Your task is simply to bring her here. Do you understand?" Perseus nodded, though unease flickered in his eyes. "I understand, Father. I will leave immediately." Zeus waved his hand dismissively, signaling the end of the conversation. "Good. Do not fail me, Perseus. The fate of Olympus depends on it." With a nod, Perseus turned and left the hall, his mind focused on the mission ahead. As he descended from Olympus, his thoughts turned to Eve. He had heard of her bravery and her role in aiding Hades. Despite his reservations, he knew he had to follow his father's orders.

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