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The underworld quest was not the only effort to stop the malevolent Sumerians. Across realms, gods and mortals alike were banding together to prepare for the coming storm. The remnants of the Greek pantheon had sought refuge among the Celtic gods, forging an alliance against their common enemy. The Asgardians fell along with the Valkyries, Amazons, and sirens of Poseidon's realm. Sumer wanted to wipe out every enemy, small or large.

In a hidden enclave within the Celtic lands, Poseidon, Athena, and Hephaestus worked tirelessly. The air was thick with the sounds of metal clashing and the rhythmic pounding of hammers as Hephaestus, the master blacksmith, forged new weapons imbued with divine power. His workshop, an intricate blend of Greek and Celtic craftsmanship, was a hub of activity and innovation.

Poseidon, the god of the sea, used his elemental powers to aid in the construction of defenses. His trident, ever-present, shimmered with an ethereal light as he summoned water to cool the heated metal, creating a perfect temper for the weapons.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, strategize with the Celtic deities. Her grey eyes and honey colored skin were sharp and calculating as she pored over maps and ancient texts, devising tactics that would utilize both Greek and Celtic strengths. Beside her stood Lugh, the Celtic god of craftsmanship and war, his golden spear a symbol of their united front.

"The Sumerians will not expect this alliance," Athena said, her voice firm. "We must use that to our advantage. Our strength lies in our diversity and our combined wisdom."

Lugh nodded in agreement. "Our warriors are ready, and with the weapons Hephaestus is forging, we will be more than a match for them."

Hephaestus, pausing from his work, added, "These weapons will carry the might of both our pantheons. The Sumerians won't know what hit them."

In a nearby training ground, Celtic warriors sparred with Greek soldiers, their movements a dance of unity and strength. The gods moved among them, offering guidance and blessings. The spirit of cooperation was palpable, and it fueled their determination.

As the preparations continued, news of the alliance spread throughout the realms, reaching the ears of those still undecided about joining the fight. This show of solidarity inspired hope and courage in many who had suffered under the Sumerian threat.

Poseidon raised his trident, and Athena brandished her spear, rallying the troops.

"Today, we fight not just for our own realms, but for the very fabric of existence," Athena declared. "The Sumerians seek to plunge us into darkness, but united, we shall prevail."

With the gods leading the charge and their weapons gleaming with divine power, the alliance was set to face the Sumerians. The battlefield would soon be awash with the clash of titans, and the fate of the realms hung in the balance. United by purpose and strengthened by diversity, they marched forward, ready to confront the encroaching darkness and restore harmony to their worlds.

In the ancient lands of Ireland, a new alliance was forming. The Egyptian gods Thoth, Bastet, and Anubis, along with Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent deity of the Aztecs, journeyed across the seas to join forces with the Celtic gods and the remnants of the Greek pantheon. They understood the threat the remaining Sumerian deities posed and knew that unity was their only hope.

The gods arrived on the emerald shores of Ireland under the cover of a misty dawn. The air was thick with tension as they made their way inland, the rolling hills and ancient stones whispering secrets of a time long past. They had not ventured far when the skies darkened ominously, and a chilling wind swept through the land.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and the sky split open with a roar. From the darkness emerged a host of shadowy figures—agents of the Sumerians, sent to thwart this new alliance before it could solidify. Leading them was Ashur, now more determined than ever to crush any opposition.

Thoth, the god of wisdom and knowledge, sensed the impending danger. "We are not alone," he said, his voice calm but urgent. "Prepare yourselves."

Bastet, her eyes flashing with a fierce light, unsheathed her claws. Anubis, the guardian of the dead, readied his staff, and Quetzalcoatl coiled his serpentine body, his feathers shimmering with divine energy.

The battle began with a fury, the gods clashing with the dark forces in a storm of magic and might. Thoth used his vast knowledge to cast powerful spells, protecting his companions and striking at the heart of their enemies. Bastet moved with the grace and speed of a predator, her attacks swift and lethal. Anubis fought with the precision of a guardian, his staff cutting through the shadows. Quetzalcoatl unleashed torrents of wind and fire, his presence a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

But the Sumerians had come prepared. Their numbers were overwhelming, and the dark magic they wielded was formidable. As the battle raged on, Thoth realized that they were being outmaneuvered. The tide was turning against them, and their chances of survival were dwindling.

In a moment of clarity, Thoth understood what needed to be done. He turned to Bastet, Anubis, and Quetzalcoatl, his expression solemn. "We cannot all make it out of here. If you are to survive and fight another day, someone must hold them off."

Bastet's eyes widened in horror. "Thoth, no! We fight together, or we fall together."

Anubis stepped forward, his voice firm. "We cannot lose you, Thoth. Your wisdom is irreplaceable."

Quetzalcoatl's feathers bristled, his eyes narrowing. "There must be another way."

Thoth shook his head, a sad smile playing on his lips. "This is the only way. My sacrifice will not be in vain. Go, and tell the others what has happened here. Rally them and fight for the future."

Before they could protest further, Thoth raised his staff high, summoning all the power he could muster. A blinding light enveloped him, creating a barrier between his companions and the advancing enemies.

"Go now!" Thoth commanded, his voice echoing with divine authority. "Live to fight another day!"

With heavy hearts, Bastet, Anubis, and Quetzalcoatl obeyed. They retreated, carrying with them the weight of Thoth's sacrifice and the responsibility to continue the fight. As they fled, they heard the sounds of Thoth's final stand, his magic clashing with the darkness, buying them precious time.

The gods made their way to the Celtic enclave, where Poseidon, Athena, Hephaestus, and the Celtic deities awaited their return. As they arrived, Bastet, her eyes filled with sorrow, stepped forward. "Thoth has fallen. He sacrificed himself so we could escape."

A hush fell over the gathering. Athena's face hardened with resolve. "We will honor his sacrifice. The Sumerians seek to destroy us, but we will stand united and avenge our fallen."

Poseidon raised his trident, a symbol of their collective strength. "For Thoth, and for all who have been lost, we will fight."

Hephaestus, his hammer glowing with the forge's fire, added, "We will forge our victory in the heat of battle."

Quetzalcoatl, his feathers still shimmering with the light of Thoth's final spell, nodded. "The gods of many lands are united now. Together, we are unstoppable."

As the gods prepared for the final confrontation with the Sumerians, the memory of Thoth's sacrifice fueled their determination. His wisdom and courage had not been in vain. The unity he had helped forge would be the Sumerians' undoing. The stage was set for a battle that would echo through the ages, a clash of divine wills that would decide the fate of the realms.

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