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In a secluded glade on Olympus, Athena stood tall and resolute, her spear and shield gleaming in the dappled sunlight. Around her, a small group of gods and goddesses who had decided to support Hades in his rebellion against Zeus gathered, their faces serious and determined.

Among the allies were Hecate, goddess of the home, Hermes, the swift messenger, and Hephaestus, the master blacksmith. They listened intently as Athena outlined their strategy.
HEKATE (Hecate) was the Goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, Night, Moon, Ghosts, and Necromancy. She was the sole child of the Titanes Perses and Asteria, from whom she inherited dominion over heaven, earth, and sea. Hekate helped Demeter in her hunt for Persephone by guiding her through the night with fiery torches. Following their mother-daughter reunion, she became Persephone's minister and companion in Hades.
Hermes was the Olympian god of herds and flocks, travelers and hospitality, roads and trade, theft and cunning, heraldry and diplomacy, language and writing, athletic competitions and gymnasiums, astronomy, and astrology. He served as Zeus' herald and personal messenger, as well as the guide of the dead, leading souls down into the underworld. Hermes was represented as either an attractive and athletic, beardless youth or an older, bearded man wearing winged boots and wielding a heraldic wand.
HEPHAISTOS (Hephaestus) was the Olympian god of fire, smithing, craftsmanship, metalworking, stonemasonry, and sculpture. He was portrayed as a bearded man clutching a hammer and tongs, smith's tools, and occasionally riding a donkey.Some of the more notable mythology starring the god include the following: His fall from Olympus, in which he was abandoned by Hera at birth. Hera's arrest on a cursed throne and subsequent return to Olympos. His wife Aphrodite committed adultery while imprisoned in a golden net with Ares. Zeus created Pandora, the first woman. The attempted violation of Athena, which culminated in Earth being impregnated and the birth of Erikhthonios (Erichthonius).

"We have the advantage of surprise," Athena said, her voice steady. "Zeus is not expecting an alliance of this magnitude. If we strike swiftly, we can tip the scales in Hades' favor."
As she spoke, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the glade. The gathered deities turned to see Ares, the god of war, striding toward them, his armor gleaming with an intimidating brilliance.

"What is this?" Ares demanded, his eyes narrowing. "Treason against our father, Zeus?"
Athena stepped forward, meeting Ares' gaze without flinching. "We seek justice, Ares. Zeus' tyranny must end."
ARES was the Olympian god of war, battlelust, courage, and social order. In ancient Greek art, he was shown as either a mature, bearded warrior ready for battle or a naked, beardless youngster wielding a headpiece and spear.Ares had an adulterous romance with the goddess Aphrodite, but her husband Hephaistos imprisoned them in a golden net and humiliated them in front of the other gods. When Aphrodite fell in love with the lovely youth Adonis, the god became jealous, turned himself into a boar, and gorged the child to death while hunting.

Ares sneered. "Justice? Or is it ambition that drives you? I will not let you betray our father."
Without further warning, Ares drew his sword, the blade crackling with divine energy. Athena raised her shield, ready for the inevitable clash. The two siblings locked eyes, the tension between them palpable.
"You always were the favorite," Ares spat, charging at Athena with a roar.
Athena met his assault with calculated precision, her spear deflecting his powerful strikes. The glade erupted into chaos as the two gods clashed, their weapons ringing out with each blow.

Heph, ready to intervene, but Athena held up a hand. "No! This is my fight."
Ares pressed his advantage, his brute strength driving Athena back. "You cannot defeat me, Athena. War is my domain!"
"But wisdom is mine," Athena retorted, using her agility to dodge his attacks and counter with swift, precise strikes.

The battle raged on, both gods displaying their immense power and skill. Ares' ferocity was matched by Athena's strategy, neither willing to yield. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and the air crackled with the force of their blows.

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