Ch 14

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The constant battles and divine interventions began to take a toll on Eve and Ruth. Their once-normal lives were now overshadowed by the demands of aiding the hidden deities. Late-night study sessions and campus activities were replaced with training and strategizing. One afternoon, as they sat together in their small apartment, Ruth broke the silence. "Eve, I can't keep up with this anymore. We're missing classes, falling behind on our assignments... I don't see how we can continue like this." Eve nodded, her expression heavy with resignation. "I know, Ruth. I've been thinking the same thing. Our lives have completely changed since we got involved with the gods. It feels like we're living in two different worlds, and we can't keep up with either." Ruth sighed. "Maybe it's time to make a decision. We can't do both. Either we fully commit to helping the deities, or we go back to our normal lives and leave this all behind." Eve looked at her friend, seeing the fatigue and determination in her eyes. "You're right. It's not fair to ourselves to keep struggling like this. I promised to help Hades."
With heavy hearts, they made the decision to drop out of college. The next day, they went to the administration office to finalize the paperwork. It felt like closing a chapter of their lives, but they knew it was necessary.
As they walked out of the office, Ruth turned to Eve. "We'll get through this, Eve. We have each other, and we'll find a way to make this new life work."
Eve smiled, grateful for Ruth's unwavering support. "You're right. We'll face whatever comes together, just like we always have."
With their decision made, Eve and Ruth prepared to fully embrace their new roles, ready to support the deities and face the challenges that lay ahead.

Eve sat quietly in the dimly lit safe house, the weight of recent decisions pressing heavily on her. Ruth was in the kitchen, making tea, trying to bring some semblance of normalcy to their chaotic lives. Suddenly, the air around them grew colder, and a shadowy figure emerged from the corner of the room. Hades had arrived.

"Eve," Hades said, his voice deep and resonant, "we need to talk."

Eve looked up, meeting his intense gaze. "I know. There's a lot I need to understand. Please, tell me everything."

Hades took a seat across from her, his expression serious. "Dionysus is dead. He refused to help me, and we fought. I've also formed an alliance with Anubis and the Egyptian pantheon. They will provide strategic support in our struggle against Zeus, though they won't engage directly in combat."

Eve listened intently, absorbing the gravity of the situation. "So, the stakes are even higher now. What do we do next?"

Hades' eyes softened slightly as he regarded her. "We prepare for the battles ahead. Zeus will not relent, and his forces will come for us. But we have allies and strength on our side."

Eve took a deep breath. "Hades, I need to tell you something. Ruth and I... we've dropped out of school. Our normal lives have become impossible to maintain with everything that's happening. We're committed to helping you and the other deities."

Hades looked at her with a mix of surprise and admiration. "Eve, that's a significant sacrifice. I appreciate your dedication. But are you sure? This path is fraught with danger and uncertainty."

Eve nodded firmly. "We're sure. We can't stand by and do nothing while the world is in chaos. We're in this, fully."

Hades stood and placed a hand on Eve's shoulder, a rare gesture of solidarity from the god of the Underworld. "Your bravery is commendable. Together, we will face whatever comes. You have my support and protection."
Eve blushed a bit and turned to face the floor to avoid Hades' gaze.
Ruth entered the room with a tray of tea, sensing the serious atmosphere but smiling nonetheless. "Tea for everyone?"

Hades smiled faintly, accepting a cup. "Thank you, Ruth. Your courage and support are invaluable as well."
"You are welcome Zaddy." She gives Hades a wink.
As they sipped their tea, the weight of their decisions settled in. The road ahead would be challenging, but with Hades and their newfound allies, Eve and Ruth felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. They were ready to face whatever the gods had in store for them. Eve had committed fully and there was no turning back. The only thing Eve feared now was telling her parents this. Eve took the tea and held it close, enjoying the warmth. For a moment it allowed her to forget everything that was going on.

As they sat sipping their tea, Eve took a deep breath and began to tell Hades about the recent battle. "There's something else you should know. Orpheus helped us fight a Minotaur that Zeus sent to attack me. We managed to defeat it, but it was a close call."

Hades' eyes narrowed. "Zeus is becoming more aggressive. It's good that Orpheus was there to assist you, but you and Ruth need to be better prepared for future attacks."

Eve nodded. "I agree. We need proper training and weapons to defend ourselves."

Hades stood, his demeanor resolute. "I'll speak to Athena. She can train you both in combat. Additionally, I'll provide you with weapons. You already have my helmet of invisibility, but you'll need more for offense."

Eve felt a sense of relief. "Thank you, Hades. With Athena's training and the right weapons, we'll be able to protect ourselves and help you more effectively." Hades gave her a nod. "I will ensure you are equipped and trained. Zeus won't find it so easy to harm you again."
As Hades prepared to leave, he turned back to Eve. "Stay strong. The challenges ahead are great, but together, we will face them."
Eve watched as Hades disappeared into the shadows, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. She and Ruth were no longer just bystanders; they were becoming integral parts of the battle against Zeus. With Athena's guidance and Hades' support, they would become formidable warriors, ready to defend themselves and their allies.

The next morning, as dawn broke over the city, Eve and Ruth made their way to the park. The serene surroundings stood in stark contrast to the intensity of their recent experiences. Awaiting them was Hades, who stood beside a selection of gleaming weapons laid out on a blanket.

"Good morning," Hades greeted them. "Today, you begin your training." Eve and Ruth approached, their eyes widening at the array of weapons before them. Swords, daggers, and bows, each imbued with a faint, otherworldly glow, signifying their divine origins.Hades picked up a sword and handed it to Eve. "This blade is forged from celestial metal. It is lightweight but incredibly strong. With proper training, it will serve you well."
He then handed a pair of daggers to Ruth. "These are swift and precise. Perfect for close combat and quick strikes." Eve and Ruth took the weapons, feeling their weight and balance. Hades continued, "Athena will join us shortly to begin your training. Until then, let's get familiar with the basics."

They spent the next hour under Hades' guidance, learning the fundamentals of wielding their new weapons. Eve practiced her sword swings, each movement becoming more fluid and controlled. Ruth focused on her daggers, honing her reflexes and accuracy.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Athena arrived, her presence radiating wisdom and strength. She watched them for a moment, nodding in approval. "You're making good progress," she said. "But there's much more to learn." Athena took over the training, her teaching style rigorous yet encouraging. She drilled them on stances, footwork, and defensive maneuvers. She emphasized the importance of discipline and strategy, ensuring they understood that fighting was as much about the mind as it was about the body.
Hours passed, and by the end of the session, Eve and Ruth were exhausted but determined. Athena gathered them together. "You've done well today. Remember, this is just the beginning. With each day, you'll grow stronger and more capable." Eve looked at Ruth, both of them feeling a newfound sense of confidence. "Thank you, Athena. We're ready to continue." Hades stepped forward, a rare smile crossing his face. "You have the heart of warriors. Keep training, and soon, you will be ready for whatever comes." With their weapons in hand and the support of their divine mentors, Eve and Ruth prepared to face the challenges ahead, their resolve stronger than ever. Hades then left the three to continue to find allies among the gods.

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