3: Counter Attack

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-Evelyn Watson-

I look to the other two, offering a hand to Agent Romanoff. She seemed to have an impressed look on her face, from what I did to Banner? I wouldn't know. I erase my board quickly and write something else for her in reply.

"It's very nice to see you again. It will be a pleasure to work with you Agent." It was barely legible, but she smiled.

"Same with you."

I turn to Captain Rogers, who already has a hand given out to greet mine. A simple handshake did the trick.

"I look forward to working with you, ma'am." I read his lips. I've really honed my skills on this, but its nice to have Diane with me just in case. I respond with a small nod. I see the conversation start as the Captain sits down at the table, Agent Romanoff about to escort Dr. Banner into the lab behind us. Once she does that her and Rogers start conversing, from what I can tell to pass the time.

"I have to think of something...something to make myself useful." I ponder on the choices we have. I sit in my own secluded part of the table, setting out a few of the documents I have. I re-read Dr. Banners file. It seems he's not just your average medic, but a scientist who is experienced with gamma radiation. Now that I think about it....doesn't the Tesseract also release that? Also, if Loki has appeared here then we should have his face and a profile of what he looks like...so if we search for both gamma radiation and Loki...

"Agent Watson, any ideas on what we should do?" Fury inquired. I smirked at him, pointimg to a few things on my files that I'm researching once more. I'm pretty sure I'll get my thoughts across.

"I've already got the searches on Loki, but trying to find the Tesseract through gamma radiation is something were stuck on. Wanna take a stab at it agent?" I sign something he's seen many times.

"It would be my pleasure."

*Time Skip* (POV is still Evelyn)

"We haven't got any hits yet on gamma rays...but there's something going on over here sir." One of the men is filling in Fury on our latest finds. I walk over as someone else takes my spot at the screen, examining it for me.

"And where was this taken?"

"Stuttgart, Germany. Yes...Director, this is a 100% match." Fury turns to the table.

"You better suit up you two. Your headed to Stuttgart.

"Already on it." I see the captain turn instantly and speed walk down the hallway, Agent Romanoff trailing behind him.

"Director, should we send Coulson with them?" I suggest. He puts his pointer finger to his mouth, and I see him tap his foot against the metal floor. He looks up to me, like he's made a binding decision.

"Not just Coulson. I want you there to be observing as well." My eyes widened a little. I've only done a few things like this, and all were completed with no type of combat. Fury said he didn't want me on these types of missions, so why was he doing this now?

"I know you've been able to handle something like this from the start, but I wanted you to get used to your environment first. Good luck agent. Make sure to keep them in line." My mouth spread from ear to ear, as I signed a "thank you" and went to put on my own gear as well. Does this count as a mission? I sure hope so.

*Time Skip*

-Loki Laufeyson: God of Mischief-

Humans. Can be both astonishingly helpful and downright disgusting. I just view them as pawns. I stride down the sidewalks of...what is this place called? I believe its named Germany. The streetlights guide me to my destination and illuminate the path as I do so. Its as if there's no security around here at all, in a place with such a "high" and "mighty" figure in the area. I go behind a building and sneak in through a back entrance, strolling up the stairs. The slight hum of string instruments and the like was barely audible among the chatter of nobles. The tannish architecture is quite intricate and beauteous for the simple minds that inhabit this planet. The blather that hung in the air was silenced, being replaced by a prominent one. Its him that I need. I go up one more flight of stairs, looking down on the lovely scene being portrayed from below.

Ah, a delight it will be to reek such havoc.

I walk down the flight of stairs leading to the bottom floor, knocking out the guard with my golden cane. The screams and gasps of other characters fill my ears. I quickly grab the speaker at front, slapping him down on the nearest flat surface. The crowds eyes are on me as I take the device that I received from the blonde bowman, and ram the machine onto his eye. The speaker yelps a cry in agony, followed by the horrified reactions in the masses and their next thought to run from my display. I can't help the smile that creeps across my lips to see all these weaklings flee for their lives. Leaving the man on the table and walking out, my Asgardian guise comes to surface and my eyes feast on people escaping for the little life they had.

"This should be easy enough." I mutter to myself. I gather them all in one spot outside the building, more little shrieks and screams from them.

"Kneel." The commotion rendered my blatant order lost in the mix of other sounds. Gods, humans are unnerving.

"I said..." I bang my scepter to the ground, cornering them all completely with my holographic selves.

"KNEEL!!" My outburst was followed by immediate silence, and the lowering of many bodies all at the same time. I smirked.

"Now, this is your natural state. Isn't this, this right here, the unspoken rule of humanity. The rule that you crave subjugation." I pause before speaking my last thought. "You were always made, to kneel." Once I finish, I see out from the corner of my eye a standing figure.

"Not to men like you."

"There aren't men like me."

"There is always men like you." It is almost pitiful how he is trying.

"Look to your elder, people, for he will be the first example." I point my scepter in his direction, and it emits a ray straight for him. A figure immediately jumps in front of him, protecting the man from my fire as it reflects back to hit me in the stomach. I fall on my back, slowly getting up and taking a look at my new opponent, cracking a half smile.

The Soldier.


AN: Alright, First 3 chapters done! I decided to make these 3 first and then publish them all at the same time, so that you can get a taste of the story and my writing style. So, now its your turn. Do you like this story? Do you want me to keep going? Shoot me a message on how you feel or how I can improve! I know these might have been boring, but I have a lot more in store if people actually like it. So, you know what to do. Thanks a lot for reading!

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