24: Stills

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-Evelyn Watson...Runa...-

"Amy, I, um..." I'm at a loss for words. She's sixteen. Someone as smart as her is able to handle this. But to me she's still that same little girl I laughed and fought with all these years.

Now she's never going to look at me the same anymore.

"I...I don't understand Eve. How were you doing that? Can I do that?" Mom takes a deep breath. Here it comes.

"Amy we should have told you this much earlier in life but...your sister is adopted." Her expression stays blank.

"That doesn't change anything." I was taken aback on the way she reacted. "What I want is Eve to prove it." I looked at her, then back to my parents. The small plate of food is a nice example. I focus my will on that, and it floats a little off the table. Everyone in the room is appalled except for myself. Gently, I place it back where it was.

"Thats proof enough." I paused. "That brings me to what I was mostly here for. Come Amy, why don't you take a seat." She awkwardly walks over, creaking out a chair and stiffly sitting down. She knows why I sent her up to her room now.

"Mom, Dad, I want you to think back on the day you found me." They both become concerned.

"We know you don't like talking about this subject honey...are you ok with this?" I hesitated, but nodded yes.

"I want to know everything that happened then. And if you still have anything memorable to that day."

"My...it was so long ago. It was raining. Your father and I had been married for...how long Tom?"

"A half a year."

"Yes yes, we were still settling into this new house. Your father was waiting on his job application at the college. I told him he was fine. I was washing the dishes, and there was a sudden lighting bolt." My father cut in.

"It was incredibly bright. I remember seeing it in the living room. After there was a faint cry of a child. Neither of us minded it. We thought it was just a neighbor and their kid. Soon it did stop." My mother chuckles.

"That was when we heard a knock at the door. I was the first to get to it, and there you were. Your eyes were extremely red, and you were soaked to the bone. You looked shaken up. You...you looked like you had seen hell." I shivered when my mom told me this.

"We took you inside immediately, gave you dry clothes and something to eat. You had a blank and cold stare the whole time. We tried to ask you where your parents were and what your name was, but all you would do is shake your head. You always seemed disturbed by something back then. We took you to the doctors, and he said he couldn't find out what...but something was blocking your hearing. No one knew what to do about it, so we decided to live with it, since no one had any idea who you were or where you came from." This made me feel uneasy. My parents could tell.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" I quietly nodded.

"Once I learned sign language, did you ever ask me about my memories before that day?" I could barely say anything.

"We did. You said no, and went to your room." My dad answered.

"Sis..." Shes just finding out about this now. We're in the same boat.

"Dear, do you remember any of this?" My dad asked.

"Not really...my mind shut them away, I guess. Do you...still have what I was wearing that night?" Those clothes will give me the answer.

"Yes. We couldn't give them away. They looked important. They're in the attic, we'll get them for you." They stood up and began to head that way.

"No." Both of them stopped mid step. "I think...I should be the one to find them. Excuse me...I'm gonna go to my room." I could feel all their eyes on me when I left and climbed up the stairs. The white door still has stickers and things on it when I was a child, spelling out my full name in purple and blue glittery letters.

Evelyn Marie Watson

I twisted the silver knob and opened the door. The sky blue walls were covered with posters of things that I liked and pictures of my friends in high school and college. I go straight to my dresser, holding much of my jewelry and other weird things I was into. I pick up a green cardboard box, covered in sequins. Sitting down on my bed, I opened it and looked through the contents.

Inside is what I cherished most. A number of pictures of my family. Us in front of the house, going to the park, playing...anything that was good for a quick snapshot. I laughed at a few as I was flipping through. I stopped at the last photo at the bottom of the pile.

Its not really that memorable, but its my favorite one out of the collection. One of those photos where if you just got it a second later it wouldn't have been as perfect. It was me and my sister sitting on one of the branches of a tree, when we were visiting family up north. Since I couldn't say anything, I was showing her how to climb it and she'd follow. She would smile that she did it and I could see the laugh that came out from her. It made me happy too. That even with my disability, I was still able to make others happy.

Tears uncontrollably welled up in my eyes, and stained the pants I was wearing. I didn't hold back. I sat there in pure silence, not wiping any of it away. I'm ready now.

I walked out from my room and gently shut my door, making my way to the attic. I brought the ladder down and climbed up there, feeling around to the wall and finding the light switch to illuminate the room. Storage boxes were piled high of old toys and dusty things no longer needed but couldn't be thrown away. There were several boxes with my name on it, but I could easily tell the only thing in them was toys or clothing during my early years.

But tucked away in a corner, there was a small box. It would've escaped my sight if it didn't say my name in old red marker. I make it come to me, it floating and falling on my lap. My hands tremble of nervousness, and I start to perspire. I prepare myself once more.

And take the lid off.

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