28: Perplexed

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-Thor Odinson: God of Thunder-

Why must someone on this planet watch my every move? I was conversing, that is all.

"Do not be coy with me." I spat. This is becoming ridiculous.

"Sorry." Its...Eve. She hangs her head a little, stealing glances at me. I walk closer, treading lightly.

"You did not need to eavesdrop like that."

"I know, I know...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that anyway. Excuse me." She shows me her back and heads for her room. I catch her arm mid-stride.

"Something is on your mind." She shakes her head.

"I'm fine."

"I do not believe that." Shes never been good at lying. A sigh comes from her lips.

"Who were you talking to?" I smile.

"Thats all you wanted to know? It was a friend of mine."

"Judging from how you told them that you "love them with all your heart and soul", its not just a friend...is it?" She is correct.

"Ah yes. Her name is Jane. She is a scientist I met the first time I came down here. We are currently...seeing each other." Her eyes close. How will she react?

"Thats great. A little on the long distance side though, don't you think?" We both laugh.

"Yes, we manage though." She smiles.

"Yeah...thats good." All of a sudden, this awkward feeling settled between the two of us.

"Well, we should probably go to bed, right? We have important business to do tomorrow."

"Thats right. I will take you to your chambers." We walk in silence, a silence that felt like ages. Shortly, we were at her door.

"Good night, Thor." I look down to her. Her face...it only matured and blossomed, she's still kept prominent features from when we were both children. Her vibrant eyes and full lips...I'm still awestruck that she is in fact here and breathing.

"Goodnight, Runa." Her eyes perk up as she meets with my gaze, like she was studying every aspect of myself too.

That was the first time I did not call her Eve.

"Goodnight." She repeats once more, quickly going into her room and shutting the door. I am a little bewildered, stuck in that spot for a moment.

"Right, I should retire to my room." I say to myself, reluctantly leaving to get some sleep.

-Evelyn Watson/Runa Claesdottir-

Leaning against the door, I lock it for no reason. Calling me Runa shouldn't have affected me so much. But...it did. Is it because I haven't been called that in such a long time? Probably. It did make me happy, don't get me wrong. Hearing it felt like...a smack to my old, but also new, reality. Me, being a girl who can fly and read minds? I never would have guessed. Everything is really falling into place.

Tomorrow I'm going to travel who knows how far away from my whole life...reconnecting with who I was before I was sent down here. I look at the few things in this room, and pack what I need most in a small bag.

A picture of my family, some snacks I most certainly wouldn't be able to purchase there, my favorite stuffed cat, my glasses case, and lastly a small camera. This runs on batteries...maybe I can get Tony to make it solar powered. Just incase, I bring 2 extra packs. I shook it around, not too heavy, great. I check the time.

10:26 PM.

"I really should get some sleep."

*Time Skip* -Evelyn Watson/Runa Claesdottir-

"My child." I giggle and let them pick me up, giving me a warm and welcoming embrace. There was a clang of metal in the background. I knew exactly who that is, bolting straight to him as he is there with opens arms.

"My sweet Runa!" He spins me around and kisses me all over, his beard attacking my face. I don't mind. "How have you been little one? How is venturing the lands and slaying mighty creatures!" He makes dramatic movements with one arm, holding me in the other. I laugh, going along with it.

"Thor told me that I'm going to sleep over at the palace today, is that correct?" He nodded.

"Why, we all are! You, your mother and I, and of course your brother. It'll be a joyous time." I shout in glee and kiss my father.

"I'll see you then, father! Thor and I must get rid of the wicked beasts!" The both of them smile.

"Of course Runa. We love you..." Their last sentence drawled...faces suddenly going away, the scenery much different. Where am I now?

"Be gone, vile girl. You are a hindrance to Thor and me." Someone pushes me off and into raging waters. I am instantly pulled under, gasping and thrashing my arms to save my life. I only become more submerged, and I start screaming, bubbles and darkness the only thing I can see. My vision fades, facing something that is inevitable.

"Eve, come on now, for god sakes wake up!" My eyes were no longer shut, shrieking and crying. I flailed my arms in defense, someone getting on top of me and instantly holding them down.

"Eve, Evelyn! Its me! Its Tony, see? You're ok, you're fine. It was a dream. Thats all it was sweetheart. Nothings gonna hurt you." I panted, tears still rolling down my cheeks. I looked at the dark brown eyes and bearded face before me, barely recognizable with a ray of moonlight coming through the window.

"How...how did you know something was happening to me?" I managed to choke out.

"I set Jarvis up to each of the rooms having him measure heart rate and brain activity. But because this isn't Stark tower I couldn't put in an alarm to wake you up, so I had to do it myself. Besides, you probably woke up every single person in the vicinity." Another practically kicks the door down, grabbing Tony by the collar and peeling him off of me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" It's Diane. She holds him up close to his face, seething with rage. Shaking, I still get up and reach out.

"No no, Diane stop it! He didn't do a-anything, I swear!" She still shakes him, it taking a second to register what I said. She turns to me and slowly lets go of him, Tony backing up a few steps and fixing his shirt. I can see two other figures step in, wondering the same thing Diane was seconds ago. I feel myself crumple and more tears to the surface.

2:11 AM.

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