15: Manhattan

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-Nick Fury: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D-

I face the large window and stare out into the never ending sky, white clouds gradually changing in shape and size. My fingers flip through bloody cards.

My one good eye is gone.

"Director?" I turn to Agent Hill.

"Those cards were in Phil's locker...not his jacket." A little white lie, I know.

"They needed the push." Just like Agent Coulson had said. A plane swoops by the helicarrier, going off to god knows where.

"Could you go find Agent Watson for me, Hill? I have important news for her."

"Um, you can't do that." What? I turn around and face Diane. Since when the hell did she step into the control room?

"And why is that, miss Diane Shaw?"

"She...took matters into her own hands, and went to go find Thor." I wanted a push, but this...is unexpected.

"Thats impossible. We would have seen her fly a plane out of here. That is...if she even knows how to man it."
She smiles.

"You do remember she's a level seven agent, right Director? Thats only three below you. She has many ways to bypass all of your security system with a single number. I suggest you let her do her business this time." She starts to walk away, but adds in one last thought.

"She'll tell you the rest later." How am I supposed to react to that? I glance to Agent Hill, but she only shrugs.

"Usually I would be against this kind of protocol, but Watson has never done something like this. I trust that there'll be a reason why when we find out." Hill attempts to make the situation brighter.

"Well, it better be a damn good one." I sigh. Will I ever catch a break? Ever since she set foot on the helicarrier, she's been acting different. One of my best agents just went out of her way to find one man. I would call it love, but she only knew him for what? An hour or two?

This vibe that I talked about is starting to become more present in her actions. So far...Diane has been correct about every single thing.

I guess I'll believe her on this one.

-Evelyn Watson...Runa...-

Flying thousands of feet in the air is one feeling.

Flying with the god of Thunder himself protectively holding onto you?

That's a whole different feeling entirely.

There were so many thoughts whizzing through my head, it almost made me feel faint.

"Where are we going?" Was my most concerned thought.

"I hate to speak ill of him, but wherever Loki walks, there is destruction that riddles his path. There fore I am looking for exactly that." Wait...

"Thor, I'm not saying anything."

"And neither am I."

"Does that mean I'm...reading your thoughts?"

"It seems so."

"Well. Alright then." A small grin appears on his bearded face. I can only produce an inaudible laugh. Thor peers up to the sky, I doing the same.

A beam of blue light surges above into the upper atmosphere. It rips it apart, creating an immense gap. The space takes over and contrasts the warm and rich blue with a nebulous black. Is that a...worm hole? I glance to Thor, his face brimming with concern and worry.

"This is becoming worse by the minute. I must confront Loki." His speed gets a tad quicker, as we zoom straight to the power source. Buildings are demolished by gruesome creatures and civilians are running for their dear lives. I want to help them. But, I have other business to attend to. Thor sharply curves upward, and soon enough were on one of the largest buildings. The bulbous letters spelling out a business man we all know too well advertise on the side of the tower, making it known to all just who's property it is. Loki is not too far away as Thor angrily stomps closer to his sibling, gently letting me down from harms way. Loki only looks off into the distance, standing from higher ground.

Theres a painful pounding in my chest, breath becoming hitched. I felt numb, standing in place.

"Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it."

"You can't! There is no stopping it." He points his scepter to Thor, which grasps my attention. It's not my place, it's not my place, it's not my place....crap.

"There are better ways to do this." I take a step closer. His sinister smile reappeared from our first encounter. Thor turns to me with slight shock.

"Eve, I beg of you-"

"I'm sorry Thor. I can't stand by and let you do all the work for me. It's doesn't feel right."

"Oh hoh, have you two rekindled your friendship?" He chuckles. "What a way to bring it back."

"Stop trying to change the subject Loki." His smirk is unwavering. "Do you really think this was a good step for you? To take the liberty of claiming a planet? Honestly."

"You have no say in this, Miss Evelyn. I am presuming that is what you prefer now."

"Don't even think about turning this about me." He takes a leap forward from his "pedestal", making a large thud on the shining metal in an attempt to intimidate me.

"Brother, please. I do not wish to fight against you once more." Sometimes I wish Thor wasn't so forgiving to Loki. I can't blame him though, it's his brother. Watching someone you grew up with disagreeing with you on this level...thats overwhelming.

"Oh my, dear brother. This isn't a fight. Think of it as a quarrel." He glances to me before implying something."Like the old times."

The thunder god lets out a shaky sigh, turning his head up to face Loki. He wore an expression of confidence, pride, justice...but I can tell.

He's teeming with sorrow, reluctance, and regret.

"It's ok." I thought, sending my message to his mind. He turned to me and stared helplessly like an abandoned animal into my eyes. He looked so vulnerable. The pain in my heart grew for him without my consent.

"There can only be war from here." Loki smiled, clenching his weapon in eagerness to duel. Thor then strikes a dauntless stance, swinging his hammer around his wrist once.

"Then, so be it."

AN: I'm sorry this chapter took a little longer to publish than I thought! I'll try my best to publish at least one chapter before the start of each new school week, but there are definitely no promises that sometimes I won't be able to do that. Also I would have done the fight between Loki and Thor but I was almost more than halfway through my word limit before I got near that part so I decided to keep my chapters at a minimum plot wise. Thank you and happy reading!

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