29: Beginning

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-Evelyn Watson/Runa Claesdottir-

Diane rushed over and knelt by me, wiping my tear-stricken face. The others stared in awe and concern from what happened. I sniffled, weakly standing and getting back on my bed.

"Give her some space. She's had a rough night." My eyes widen when I realize what Tony suggested. Natasha and Thor start returning to their dorms, while I reach out.

"N-No!" They all stopped. "I...um...please stay."

"We can't all stay Eve."

"I will." Diane nominated herself. No one argued with her and filed out, shutting the door. I sigh. One is better than none.

-Diane Shaw-

"Do you wanna tell me what happened Eve?" She was dazed in silence for a moment, like she ignored what I said. I sat next to her, the bed squeaking.

"It was a bad dream." She gets a little comfortable. "I was with my parents. My real parents. We were talking about staying somewhere."

"That sounds nice."

"But it switched to a different place. Someone pushed me into a river and..." She starts shaking.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to Eve."

"No, its ok. It's better this way. The current pulled me under and I couldn't get back up. I felt trapped and I could feel myself letting go of life. It was the worst thing I've ever experienced." She took a deep breath. I feel so bad for her. Theres so many things weighing in and altering her life. So much that...she's going away tomorrow. This wonderful and talented person that I have had the opportunity to befriend is leaving and I don't know when she'll be back.

"Next thing I know Tony was there trying to calm me down. I almost hit him." Eve chuckles. "I could have broken his nose if I wasn't so distraught when I woke up."

"Good thing you didn't." She smiled at me. "Even though you didn't there I would have. If you hadn't stopped me." The both of us laugh. She lays down, scooching over for me to fit on the small bed. I pull the covers up and over ourselves, and lay on my side. We didn't speak for a while. The quiet was nice. We don't have to always be talking. Sometimes being near eachother is all it takes.

"Diane, can you do me a favor?" I turn to her.


"I know you specifically took this job because it wouldn't require any kind of combat but...once I go, someone's gotta be secretary and under Fury's elite wing like I was." She paused.

"I know you're qualified so...I want you to do it. I trust you, and only you to do this." I knew she would do this to me. I was going to even if she didn't ask.

"If thats what you want Eve, I'll do it." She giggled a little.

"I'm gonna miss you up there Diane."

"I'm gonna too." I can feel nagging tears wanting to come out. She could see it in my eyes, putting her arms on my shoulders and pulling me in. I couldn't hold it back anymore, and silently weeped.

"It's not like going away forever. I promised to my family and I'll promise to you. The minute that bridge is done I'll be the first one they'll transport back down to Earth. Its going to be a long wait, I know it will. But please...Go about your business as if I was there. I'll check on you and the others every single night, and it'll all be ok." She strokes my hair and comforts me. Theres no bad bone in this girl. Thats why Fury picked her. But, she's so other centered that she'd lay her life down for another, not mattering who it is. Thats why Fury picked me, to make sure she, in his words, "doesn't do anything stupid".

"Asgard is going to get the best girl I know, and I'm happy for that." I managed to choke out.

"You think so?"

"Of course." I stutter. "You make the best out of it, ok?" I hear her giggle once again.

"You sound like my mom."

"I know." We stayed in that position and after a while she succumbed to exhaustion, dozing off. I smiled at the calming sound of her breath and heartbeat. I've come to terms with whats going to happen. None the less, its overwhelming.

Thankfully I felt my eyes drooping, falling into a calm slumber.

*Time Skip* -Thor Odinson: God of Thunder-

I barely slept, yet do not feel tired. I am relieved I get to return home with my brother.

This will not be a joyous occasion. I should feel bitter. I should feel...solemn. Yet I am the opposite. Someone knocks at my door.

"Thor! Its time for breakfast." I can guess who it is.

"I'll be there shortly." Without second thought I open the door, smelling the aroma of homemade food.

"Hey....there." She looks straight into my eyes, like she's avoiding something. Her cheeks become a shade of red.

"Are you ill?"

"Nope! Well, thats all I came to tell you so...yeah. I'll, uh, see you in the dining room." She hurriedly leaves, me bewildered. What made her so flustered? I looked down at myself and realized.

I am not wearing anything but pants.

-Evelyn Watson/Runa Claesdottir-

"How'd you sleep? I heard something happened last night." Clint signed to me. Its still important to me to keep using sign language.

"Yeah, just a bad dream. I'm all better now."

"Good to hear. I would have checked but...you could say I'm a heavy sleeper." I laughed.

"Here's some pancakes you two. Still warm."

"Diane, where's Tony?"

"He told me he was busy fixing up some machine. That man never stops working." She sighed.

"I'll bring something to him." Diane hands me a plate with pancakes and the fixings, a glass of milk to top it off. I head down to the small workshop they've set up for him, loud sounds of metal and tools easily heard.

"Hey Tony?"
"Tony!" He takes an earbud out, stopping all of his work.

"Eve, just the person I wanted to see! You brought me food? Aww, what a sweetheart." He smiles and acts like hes coming in for a hug. I set the food on a clean table.

"Its the least I can do. I never was able to thank you for...last night." He smirks, mind going a different direction.

"Well, one of my jobs is play boy."


"I'm only kidding. Anyway, I just finished something for you." He hands me what hes been working on.

A...camera? Wait, this is my camera!

"How did you get this? And what did you do with this?!"

"Easy. I'm curious of what Asgard looks like, your gonna go up there and eventually come back. Probably no such thing as batteries, so...Here's a solar powered camera! Also put extra storage." How the...its like he read my mind.

"I won't even ask the other questions I had. But, thank you." He smiles, going over to eat the pancakes.

"Anytime. Make sure to take lots." He pats me on the back. I turn it on, going through the few pictures already on there. Today is my last day on earth for a long time. I go to the window and focus closely on the simple scenery.


AN: Probably the worst chapter in this whole story. I got stuck multiple times. However, that information doesn't matter.

The next chapter is the LAST chapter!! *gasp* I'm so happy that I actually finished this...I felt like it would just ramble on forever. But, it really is ending. For me it doesn't feel like it is.

I am going to confirm though, that there WILL be a second book! Hooray!! Pretty excited to write that. Have to take a break before I do that though.

Thanks for taking a look at this chapter and as always, happy reading!

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