8: Dysfunction

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-Natasha Romanoff: Black Widow-

It wasn't even that big of a sound. But I was trained to observe everything, especially my surroundings. Should I say something?

Fury's the first person I glance at since he's right infront of me. From his own eye, I can tell he noticed too. Seems the only people that are completely oblivious are Steve and Tony. I shake my head at the director, no point in bringing it up now. There's too many other things going on in the room to introduce something so irrelevant.

"Agent Romanoff, could you please escort Doctor Banner to-" Fury was cut off.

"Where? You rented my room." He practically spat fire at him.

"The cell was just-"

"Incase you needed to kill me but you can't, I know. I tried." Banner began to ramble on. At one point he shot himself in the mouth but "the other guy" wouldn't have it. Now the blame is on S.H.I.E.L.D for reeling him back into this mess. Listening didn't put me on edge until he directly was speaking with me.

"You wanna know my secret agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?"

I slowly let my hand fall to the gun strapped to my side. Fury does the same. The silence felt like an eternity before Steve spoke up.

"Doctor Banner, put down the scepter." I didn't even realize he was holding it. As he looks down, it seems he didn't either. A beeping in the corner of the room disrupts the ambiance, everyone in reaction turning to the tv screen.

-Evelyn Watson-

I knew they might have needed me, but only being able to feel the tension in the room and not understanding why made me furious. I was about to ask Thor what was happening but he then joined in on the argument, and in the end it became a free-for-all. I only removed myself from the space, walking away would be childish. I lean against the wall, the thin structure being the only thing keeping me apart from them.

"I always keep backing out and making others do things for me." I think. I rub my face and stand up. Being an agent is my job. I need to start acting like it. With a new found motivation, I return to the doorway.

An explosion throws me across the hallway, my back slamming against the wall, my body to the floor.

What the- ugh, come on Eve. No time for being dazed. I instantly get back on my feet, taking another shot at entering the room. Stark and Rogers run out of the lab while Fury heads to the control section.

"Diane!" I rush to her, bending down to her level.

"I'm fine Eve, though one of the rotors has been damaged." She smiles.

"Go show'em what you're made of." A smirk shows up on my face. She always finds a way to lift me up. I give the room a once over, looking at the damage dealt. Theres another body, still lying motionless.

It's Thor.

I sprinted over to him, kneeling down and shaking his shoulder lightly.

"I am alright my lady." His voice was muffled, him gradually getting back on his feet. The god turned on his heel and swiftly began to walk out the doorway. I follow him.

"Do you have a plan Thor?"

"Not as of yet, do you?"

"Fury has some people connected on an earpiece...do you have one?"

"I do not."

"Well its your lucky day, cause I do." I give him the small device. "Put the rubbery part in your ear and latch this small part onto the inside of your clothing." He seemed to have a little trouble, so in the end I securely stuck it onto his belt. I press the button to turn it on.

"Please tell anything you hear on there...since I can't do it myself." I place my gun back into my holster, taking off my jacket. It revealed the tight but flexible black with accents of gray garment I'm wearing. Perfect for my type of combat with some kind of protection. I kindly hand my white jacket to another agent asking them to give it to Diane in the lab for me. Thank god some of these people were so nice.

"There is news my lady."

"I love the courtesy, but I'd rather be called Eve.

"You have my word. Anyway, what does code green mean?"

Those were the words I had hoped I would never have to hear.

I gulped. "It means...that Dr. Banner has turned into the Hulk." His stride comes to a halt. "Ask where he is." He starts speaking, not realizing that anything he is saying cannot be heard. Well, this is what you get for putting an Asgardian with Earth technology.

"You have to press on the button...right here." I take hold of him, guiding his huge hands up to the small switch. His skin was hard and bore many calluses, so different compared to my own. Even that simple touch sent chills through me.

"Thank you." He says, turning away and doing what he was told.

"Romanoff speaks of being near the boiler room, right next to the loading docks."

"Ok, follow me."

*Time Skip* -Thor Odinson: God of Thunder-

Being near her brings new happiness to my heart. She makes me say things I would never think of...go out of my way just to have a conversation. Having her accompany me and not anyone else makes me feel... possessive. My heart is naturally doing it, yet my mind does not comprehend why. Why? Unfortunately, this is utterly not the time to find an answer.

"This is the boiler room...but where is he?" She brought her voice down to a whisper. Eve turns her head back and forth. From what I have heard, Banner is a much larger person when he forms into his other self.

Thud. Followed by a bang.

A woman's voice yelps in pain. Eve and I turn to each other at the same time. She points in the direction where the noises were coming from. The both of us inch closer, trying our best not to make a sound . She hides behind one of the many storage tanks while I cautiously peek around her for a view.

An enormous green being towers over Romanoff. There's no time to waste or she will be killed. I run in and tackle him, sending the both of us through the wall. I turn my head up from the ground, taking a look at my opponent. The hearsay from the others was right.

This will be quite a tale to tell for my friends.

AN: The ending was kinda weird but I had to because I didn't want it to get too long. Thats all I really had to say here. The next chapter will be out soon, and depending on how far I get, it'll get real interesting. Happy reading!

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