18: Unity

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-Tony Stark: Iron Man-

"Good luck." The girl nods and leaves my side to carry out the favor. Damn, I guess I owe her now. But who cares about that, why the hell is she able to fly like me? There can only be one person that has that ability in this group. And I nominate- wait, Goldilocks can fly too. Sharing is caring...I guess.

I also felt some outside force interfere with my helmet. As if someone was trying to break into my system. Pfft. No one can do that...hopefully. I take a sharp turn to the right, and from my information I'm getting close to the others.

"Hey Cap, I'm gaining on ya."

"What does that even mean?"

"You'll find out later."

"Anyway, you were right, Banner showed up." I smirked.

God, some people have great timing.

-Evelyn Watson...Runa...-

I flit back to the underside of it, searching for that soft spot again. I sigh. It would be great if there was a sign saying "aim here". That would make my life a lot easier. Luckily, I find it again, summoning my dagger to my hand and flying closer.

But the thing curves it's body to the right, completely throwing me off as it lets out an echoing roar. I regain my position and have to find it again, zooming back in for another try. Will a monstrosity as big as this even notice?

"Well, it most certainly doesn't hurt to try!" My arm swings back to gain some more momentum and speed.

"Hah!" I grunt, ramming my knife right up into its skin. I will the knife go further, and it disappears into the wound. Soon after it emits a cry of agony, and I quickly take out my blade. It's covered in a repulsive sticky film. Thats gross.

"I can't believe that actually worked." I gently wipe it off a little with a cloth in my first aid kit, going back up to Stark.

"Great job kid. Couldn't have done it any better." A compliment, from Tony Stark? Better keep that in my mind.

"Um, thanks, I guess." He nods.

"So Watson, we're getting really close to Cap and the others. You can just sit tight and fly with me." I acknowledge him. "Hey Cap, tell Banner to suit up." He pauses.

"We're bringing the party to you." I laugh at his last remark.

"Really, a party?" He turns his head to me.

"Well, what should I call it? A big ass flying whale?" That only makes me laugh more.

"Truly, I think thats better." He chuckles.

"You're not bad company Watson." I get that a lot.

"You're pretty good too, especially with all the things I've heard about you." This makes him laugh more.

"Alright kid, were gonna turn here and the rest of the team should be staring straight at us." I give him a thumbs up, starting to turn past a skyscraper. The alien nicks it in the process, creating more debris. The other five are down there in surprise at either us or whats behind us, Banner walking towards it. Before I know it he turns into the green being that I witnessed a few hours ago. He punches the beast, stopping it right in its tracks. It starts to flip a little, showing its whole backside.

"Hold on." Stark points his arm to it, sending off a small missile that hits it in a shown weak spot. I rapidly land on the ground and take cover near Thor, an invisible force deflecting anything that comes our way. I really hope I just instinctively did that. It's almost crazy- what am I saying? It IS crazy to find out about a hidden amount of powers that you can do, all because of a simple thought. I can feel motivation and new found energy coursing through me, as the now deceased "whale" goes off from the bridge and smacking down to lower ground. The smaller aliens start screaming in anger and grief on multiple buildings, and we all circle up, soaking in the glares and awe struck faces. Is it cool pose time? I shift my eyes around at Thor to my left and Natasha at my right, the others gearing up in one simple action.

Yeah, its cool pose time.

I take my cloth and wipe my knife once more till it's sparkling clean, wearing a sharp gaze as I scan the area just like everyone else. A roar from Banner, Barton retrieving an arrow, a spin from Thors hammer, Natasha refilling her ammo, Rogers fixing his shield, while Stark lands down to the ground.

Soon, everyone reforms into a small group instead of our circle, the Captain taking over.

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays." Barton gives a nod as Cap doesn't hesitate to give more orders.

"Stark, Watson. You two will split up the perimeter. Anything that gets more than three blocks out you turn it back or you turn it to ash."

"Wanna give me a lift?" Barton asks for a favor.

"Right. Better clench up Legolas." I chuckle at his joke. He may be an ass, but he's hilarious. Stark grabs his quiver and takes off into the sky.

"Thor, you gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow'em down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up." Thor does his signature moves, going straight to a high tower. Rogers looks to Romanoff next.

"You and me, we stay on the ground. We keep the fighting here." Theres only a moment of silence. "And Hulk." The huge guy turns to him, grunting in the process.

"Smash." He smiles in reaction, jumping off to do what he does best. He turns to me.

"Are there...any questions Watson?" I blankly stare at him for a minute, then realize what I'm doing and shake my head.

"I'm sorry Captain, I knew that this was going to happen..The team and all, but I never knew that I was going to help them in a way like this." He smiles, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Agent Evelyn Watson...consider yourself an Avenger." My eyes widen.

"You deserve it Eve." Romanoff pipes in. I can't hold in my ecstatic smile, as I turn to them.

"Well then Captain, Agent Romanoff...thank you." My grin rubs off on them, giving me their own before I head off to do my job. My job as an Agent.

My job as an Avenger.

AN: Wow, Eve's an Avenger!!! WHOO!!! Ok, I'm gonna try to get these next two chapters up real soon, sorry that I'm making this battle so long...but I really like detail. I only get detailed if I watch the clip I'm describing, so it won't happen all the time. Anyway, hope you guys are doing well and as always, happy reading!

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