26: Bind

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-Thor Odinson: God of Thunder-

I am ecstatic. An old friend of mine and I...finally reunited. New thoughts pop into my head. I must bring her to Asgard...everyone has to know. Including her family. But not now...later. I am in the presence of people that she still considers parents. I pat her shoulder, straining to keep in all of my current emotions. It seems her family is still bewildered by this information, staring at Eve with pale faces.

"Eve, honey, are you saying you're from..." She can't bring herself to finish. "I knew you definitely weren't from here, but I never suspected this."

"I know its crazy, but its true. When I saw that dress mom, so many memories that I couldn't recall before have finally come back." She turns to her spouse, who's very relaxed.

"I did have certain thoughts that you were different dear. You were too peculiar. My...so, what is the name for that place again?"

"Asgard, Dad." He snapped his fingers, the name to him sounding all too familiar.

"Yes, just like in Norse mythology. I never would have guessed."

"Sis, are you related to him?" Eve becomes flustered.

"No! Actually...we're childhood friends."

"Eve darling...lets start with what you do remember about your life." She slowly sits down.

"My name is Runa Claesdottir. Daughter of Claes. I think...I think I had a sibling. I didn't play with the other children because I was very shy at first." She chuckles. "Thor here, brought the best outta me. I can't remember a time when I wasn't with him. He, his brother and I would play and spar in all sorts of places. My father was very good friends with Odin, which is Thors father, which is how we met." They were all very intrigued.

"Do you...remember anything about your mother?" Her face twinged a little, like she was being inflicted with an ache in herself.

"Theres a lot of things that are still very blurry but yes. I had a mother. She...um...I'm sorry mom, I can't remember very well. Not even her name." She soaked in all of the scarce information.

"Do you, have anymore questions that you want me to try to answer?" None them replied.

"Alright. Then I need to discuss with you all something very important." She paused for a long time.

"Now that I know who I am, I have to make an important decision." She takes a deep breath, slowly collecting all of her thoughts.

-Evelyn Watson/Runa Claesdottir-

I know I've told them so much today. But leaving out the people that I've lived with and loved for so long on a choice like this?

"I must decide whether I will visit Asgard or not." Everyone except for myself and Thor tenses.

"We need more details than that dear." My dad starts to shake, giving me pain.

"You would have no way to contact me, and I don't know how long I'd be gone." My voice slowly trails off realizing the consequences.

"Until the Bifrost is fixed." Thor joins in. He has more information than I do. "The Bifrost is a bridge that connects to all nine realms. Its currently in shambles for certain reasons. I returned to Midgard through my fathers magic for an emergency." He puts a hand on his chin, "Loki and I once we are prepared will be sent back up to Asgard through the energy of an artifact. If Eve chooses to join us, then she will only be able to come back once the bridge is fixed. This is a project we've just begun."

"Can you estimate how long she'd be gone?" Thor's expression wavers.

"At the least, she would be back in half a year. However the bridge being done by then is highly unlikely." Silence consumed the air, filling the space to the brim with tension. Everyone around was in deep thought.

"I say you should go sis."

I'm startled by my own sibling. She was the one that was supposed to be the most heartbroken. Is she only doing this for the best of me?

"Amy I don't think you understand-"

"I understand, Evelyn. I'm not a little girl anymore. You still consider us family and you don't want to leave us alone for that long. But up there?" She points to the sky. "Up there is your real family. And if thats what it takes to finally see them after so long, then thats what it takes. It would be rude- no. It would be cowardly, to not leave because of your attachment to us and this world." She crossed her arms, looking directly at our parents. "Thats pretty much what you and mom were thinking, right dad?" He smirked a little.

"Just about. Amy's right Eve. You gotta go. We'll always be here, waiting for you." I sat for a moment, then stood up to give my father a well deserved hug. Mom and Amy soon joined in, as I sobbed uncontrollably.

"You are always my family, never forget that." I could feel their smiles and laughter. "Once that bridge is fixed coming down here will be the first thing I do, just please wait."

"We will honey." Many minutes later we let go, my dads shoulder now soaked. My eyes stung but I felt much better. I grabbed the one box and other things, saying farewell to my family for maybe the last time in a while. The Thor and I got into Diane's car while she drove back the borrowed one. We both pulled out from the driveway one by one, making our way back to headquarters.

Great, now I have to explain why I have to go with them to Fury.

"God...this is still such a mess Thor." I complain. He becomes bothered. "How am I gonna tell Fury? I still work for him and hes such a hard ass."

"Do not worry. I'll be eternally by your side with anything." I smile and blush a little.

"Aren't you a sweetie."

"My thanks. I...I am just happy." He pauses.

"Happy to have a good friend back."

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