10: Revelation

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-Loki Laufeyson: God of Mischief-

I tap my foot in wait. My plan is all falling into place. Now for just one of my slaves to retrieve me from this absurd cell. As soon as I thought about it, a man comes in. He first checks the area for any enemies, establishing that there is no one else in the room except me. He heads over to the control panel, studying the system of buttons and switches. Its as if they read my mind.

"Well any moment now would be spectacular." He gives me a nod, pressing the button to open the door. Another presence is nearby, and I lift my hand up to the man, a sign to back away. He hides in a shadow and a familiar face walks in.

Ah, the person I wanted to see most.

He yells and runs to me. I take a stance, letting one of my holograms take over. He passes through it and falls into the cell. I order the gunman to close it, trapping my brother inside. I turn around to look at him. His face is of disappointment. Of anger at my recent actions to take over this world.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?"

-Evelyn Watson-

Thor told me to stay outside of the room, saying he needed to face Loki himself. I didn't like the sound of it, but agreed to his conditions. I refilled the ammo in my gun to occupy myself, but thats all I could do. I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

"No. I can't do this, its not in my nature." I take a peek in through the glass door. Thor is trapped inside the cell! I crack the door open just a little, creeping myself in. Loki isn't paying attention and speaking with his brother. My small cautious steps were enough, but the other man in the room notices and aims his gun. He is too slow. I do not hesitate and shoot him twice on his shoulders. He's not dead, but he can't hurt me. He falls, and I point my gun for Loki next. He puts his hands up at first, but grins at me. That is...pretty creepy.

"If you move I won't think twice about pulling the trigger." His smile is unwavering.

"Well well well. What a surprise guest." My eyes widen but I keep my posture.

I can hear him too.

"May I ask your name?"

"Evelyn Watson. What does it matter to you?" He simply laughs.

"I don't see what's so funny."

"Why of course you don't. It is very nice to meet you...or should I say "long time, no see"? What is this guy talking about?

"Brother, I do not understand what you speak of-"

"You know well enough what I speak of." Thor's eyes flicker with concern.

"You vowed never to talk about this again." I take a step closer.

"Let me tell you a tale, miss Evelyn Watson." He bore into my soul with those frosty blue eyes.

"There once, was two little boys. Both were of royalty, and did whatever they pleased. One day, an old friend of their fathers was invited to visit. The man brought his family. A wife, and two talented children. The four easily get acquainted to eachother, having similar interests in learning to fight and such. Many years later in that one meeting two friends were the product. They were inseparable. Always asking where the other one was if they were not together for any odd reason. They played and romped around as children would. It was as if they were two parts of the same whole. Sickening."

"Loki..." Thor basically pleaded.

"Unfortunately, it was not to last. The other had an...accident. The child was very prone to sleep walking. So much that it would be the death of them." He paused. "Of her. She fell into a river, and drowned."

"Get to the point Loki." I was only inches away from him by now.

"Do you know of the two I tell of?"

"No, your story is pointless really."

"On the contrary." His eyes glance at Thor. "Do you, brother?" There was silence.

"You speak of me and...Runa."

"This is going nowhere."

"But I am just at my catch." He walks a few steps closer to the control panel, my gun still tracing him.

"Dear brother, what if I told you...that there is a lie in my story?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"What if she is still breathing? What if she is in fact standing...right before you?"


"I think you have the wrong person. My name is-"

"Evelyn, you have already stated this." He laughs. "Is that your true name, Evelyn Watson?"

"Be quiet." I put my finger on the trigger.

"Tell me your first memory."

"That has nothing to do with this." He darts over, his face not too far from mine, looking down upon me.

"Tell me, your first memory." I sighed.

"I was crying...on the doorstep, of a young family in Brooklyn. I don't know how I got there, and I couldn't hear anything."

"Oh, so that was the punishment." He pauses. "Do you ever wonder...how you got there?"


"Oh please. Your situation is far too unusual. Don't you ever think...who abandoned you? Or the better question...who put you there?" He hissed his words.

"Loki that is enough."

"No..." The head of my gun meets with his abdomen. "You are wrong."

"This whole "Midgardian" life of yours is a lie."


"Your real name is Runa."


"You hail from Asgard..."


"And not this pathetic planet."

"SHUT UP!!!" I take one of the knives in my belt but his hand grabs my wrist when I try to ram it into his side.

"You don't make up my life Loki. Stop spitting lies at me, or I will not hesitate to kill you myself." He smirks, looking up at me. How is this vile man Thors brother?

"But where you stand is enough proof of your forgotten past." What? I look down, my eyes widening.

I am floating in the air.

AN: So many secrets I have been keeping about Eve are finally out!!! And theres still so much more that needs to be answered. Again...sorry if you could have guessed any of the information up there. I tried so hard to make it not obvious at all. Happy reading!!!

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