7: Chaos

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-Evelyn Watson-

"Lady Eve, please wait-" His voice was so sharp to my ears. My head spun around as I stopped in my tracks. It didn't take long for him to reach me.

"Listen, I shouldn't have walked out from my own room like that. Its just...I was curious and all."

"You had every right to do what you did." He paused. "If you would like to carry another conversation with me, I would be delighted to." I could feel my cheeks heat up again, but I didn't care. I smiled heartily.

"Will do, Thor." I think I saw his own face become a slight shade of pink, probably my imagination. I regained my original pace, but stopped one last time. As he passed infront of me I picked up one more sentence with a tone loud enough for just me to hear.

"After all, I enjoy your presence."

I didn't have to look at his face to feel the smile that appeared as he walked over to agent Coulson. I get compliments like that a little more than others...but why was his to be the one that makes me flustered? I pinch myself and turn my attention to Banner and Stark in the lab, who seem to be experimenting with the scepter and its properties. Rogers was about to enter the room himself, but noticed me first.

"Nice to see you all better now miss." I smile at his unending kindness.

"Thanks for helping me earlier Mr. Rogers." He tilted his head to the side a little, his eyes bewildered for a reason I don't know. It took me a moment to realize.

I just spoke infront of him.

"You can hear me?" I shake my head.

"I'm just reading your lips. I didn't really want to use my voice because I couldn't hear it..." I rapidly get a glance at Thor, and back to Rogers. "But I...got a little encouragement." He opens the door wider, allowing me to go in first.

"Thank you." He most likely responded but I was facing forward, watching a new scene unfold.

Banner winced a little in pain, jumping at the sudden shock he received from Stark. The files are right, this guy really tries to cross the line. The captains already on it, and starts yelling at him for his latest action. Huh, this looks familiar...just like on the helicopter. Someone taps me on the shoulder, but I don't have to turn around to see its Diane. My hands get the better of me and start moving before I can use my new found voice.

"Did Fury take a look at my notes?"

"He did. He's kinda pissed right now, but he'll get over it. You did a good thing."

"Glad to know. So, what's going on between them? I point at Rogers and Stark.

"They're just...getting to know each other." I laugh.

"I can already tell they won't get along in general." I turn my body to the numerous agents handling the ship, and Thor conversing with Coulson. I then keep talking to Diane as for what to do next, completely forgetting about the other three in the room.

*Time Skip* -Diane Shaw-

Shes such a delight. I wish she didn't put herself down so much. I saw Fury come in from the corner of my eye.

"By the way, what is phase two?" My hands stop in their tracks. Shit. I shift my attention to the two, but Captain Rogers gets it before me. He drops a weapon on the table.

A prototype. I can feel beads of sweat forming while Fury's face is still stoic, his brows furrowed.

"Phase two is S.H.I.E.L.D creates weapons with the Tesseract." He turns to Stark. "Sorry, the computer was going a little too slow for me." The director instantly jumps in to defend himself.

"What's going on?" Eve looks at me for an answer. I sigh. The cats out of the bag now.

"Phase two of the Tesseract is to use it to create weapons of a much higher level." Her eyes open up, hands balling into fists. Her next question was voiced.

"Did you know about this?" Theres no point in lying to someone like Eve. Shes always been able to see through this kind of thing anyway.

"Yes." Eve keeps her composure, but I know. Shes seething with anger and disbelief. As soon as the thunder god and agent Romanoff step in, she walks over to him. Out of all the people she trusted in the room, its the one she just met an hour ago.

"Did you know about this?" The nagging question was said once again. This time from Banner to Romanoff.

"Do you wanna think about removing yourself from this environment doctor?"

"Oh I was well removed before, I was in Calcutta." A bad feeling sets in my stomach.

"All I would like to know right now is why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the Tesseract to make weapons of mass destruction." There was a pause, the tension in the room becoming even tighter.

"Because of him." Fury points at Thor, as if he was putting blame on the god.


"Last year Earth had a visitor from another planet that in the end almost leveled a small town. We learned that we are not alone, but we are hopelessly, no, hilariously outgunned.
"My people were at peace with your planet."

"But you're not the only planet out there, are you? We have every right to protect ourselves from those threats." Soon everyone began talking all at once, constantly interjecting at one another. Insults were shot that made the room complete pandemonium.

"You, need to step away." Fury says it like an order. But you can't blatantly say that to someone like Dr. Banner.

"Why shouldn't the guy let off some steam?" Stark always has to put his own two cents.

"You know damn well why!" This is becoming more and more dysfunctional by the second.

A large and aggravated sigh fills the room, this followed by Eve leaving. Stark and Rogers don't even notice, but something completely unrelated to current events catches my eye.

A number of small objects quietly clang onto the metal tables.

AN: Ugh this chapter really got me into writers block. I have school work and other things in my life that get in the way of writing but that in no way will stop me from doing so. Also that abrupt ending though... Anyway I hope your enjoying reading these!

P.S This chapter was originally titled "Shit goes down" but even though thats a great one, I changed it.

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