12: Miracle

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-Evelyn Watson...Runa?-

This will be his last few minutes, and all I can do is stay with him.

Coulson trained me. Even though he's such a big part of S.H.I.E.L.D, he always made time whenever I asked for extra hours. He brought my combat skills to what they are today...I don't even know what I would do if it weren't for his kindness. I let out a shaky breath.

"The medic is gonna be here any moment now Coulson. I need you to stay with me." I tried my hardest to push back the nagging tears. He smiled.

"Don't cry, Agent Watson." I gasped, no longer being able to keep it at bay. I crumbled to my knees and started sobbing, covering my face.

"Hey, agent-...Eve. It's ok."

"N-No...thats not..." I can't even get the words out from my mouth. This already happened once. I removed my hands, tears streaming down my face.

"It's just th-that...I c-can hear you." He chuckles.

"Really?" I nod, wiping a few drops away.

"Loud and clear." He laughs. A few men barge through the door, holding medicinal equipment. I shuffle over to the side, letting Fury get to Coulson.

"Sorry boss." The director grabs his face, making Coulson look directly at him.

"Just stay awake, eyes on me." I couldn't do anything at this point. Coulson sighs.

"I'm clocking out here."

"Not an option."

"It's ok boss." His breathing becomes labored. "This never would have worked...if they didn't have something...to work..." Coulsons eyes drop down to the ground. I hang my head low, silent tears flowing once more. The directors stern look never changes. He puts two fingers to his communication device.

"Agent Coulson is down."

Fury gets back on his feet, and people evacuate Coulson from where he was lying before. Fury sighs.

"Director?" I tap him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Remember how you said you had a...vibe about me? That I was going to get to new heights and all that?"

"Not those exact words but-"

"Well first of all, your exactly what I pictured you'd sound like." His eye flickered in astonishment.
"Since when the hell did you gain..." I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen him this surprised.

"Just now. I had a little scuffle with Loki, and I woke up with it. It's...a godsend really."

"Well, there's no time to waste anymore. We've got agent Barton." I reluctantly followed the man down to wherever he may be.

Once I check on Diane, I'm gonna do something crazy.

*Time Skip* -Evelyn Watson...Runa?-

I peek my head into the room, Romanoff looking over to me. She smiles.

"Glad to see you're ok." I give her a warm smile too. Her voice is so pretty.

"Same to you." I scan the room. "So, where's this agent I've heard so much about?"

"Right here." His spiky blonde hair and seawater eyes set a serious vibe.

"Natasha's told me all about you, agent Watson. Nice to finally meet you." I was surprised, but smiled.

He knows ASL.

My hands swiftly start moving.

"Nice to meet you as well Agent Barton." I shake his hand heartily.

"Please, call me Clint."

"It's good to see you're feeling better."

"Much better now. Though a snack would be great." I chuckle, and hit it off instantly with him.

*Time Skip (Sorry!)* -Evelyn Watson...Runa?-

How much time has passed? I'm not sure anymore. I feel like I'm forgetting something...

Oh my god, I'm so stupid.

"I'm sorry to cut the conversation short, I have to go check on my friend. Thanks so much, and it was nice to meet you again." He nodded.

"It's fine. I got some stuff to do too." I quickly leave the room, and go to the infirmary. I search through the windows. Sure enough, Diane was getting a bandage on her arm. I open the door and go straight to her.

"Diane! Are you ok?"

"I already told you, I'm fine. What about you?" She sounds reassuring...her voice relieves me.

"I'm alright. Anyway...I need to talk to you."

"Go ahead." I sigh, and use my hands to convey the rest of the message.

"In private. And I can't sign it. It's just..I can't." The nurse finishes her handiwork on Diane's arm and leaves. That's pretty convenient. I walk over and lock the door, it clicking in place.

"So, what's up?"

"First of all, I can hear everyone now." Tears well up in her eyes and she smiles.

"Thats great!...Is that it?"

"No. And what happened to you, looks like you got a little beat up."

"Yeah, I fought a little with Loki." Her happiness turns into fear and anger.

"You know that could have ended much worse than it has. Why did you do that?!"

"I don't know...but you know I've never been one to run away. I...I really have to go." I turned to leave but Diane grabbed my wrist.

"Eve, why are you acting like this?" I breathed slowly.

"It's really difficult to explain, but before I fought with Loki, he talked to me. Said some things that really make me wonder. So now...I have to look for Thor."

"And where is he?"

"Judging from how the cell isn't there anymore...Loki dropped him." My urge to go find him became even stronger when I said this.

"So, how are you going to search for Thor? You don't know how to fly a plane, do you? And even if you do, will Fury even let us get a plane out there?"

"No but...I'm pretty sure I got something else up my sleeve." Her face became more bewildered. I am being pretty vague after all.

"I...it's just a lot to explain and some of it I don't even understand." I paused.

"I can hear you now for absolutely no reason, and that doesn't happen a lot. Hell, that doesn't happen at all. But what I do know is this. I need answers, and right now the only people I can get them from is either Thor or Loki." I turned on my heel but looked back to her as I reached the doorframe.

"The only way I can explain is to show you." With that, I left the room. God I was so confusing. But how can I explain something I can't even comprehend myself? She probably doesn't even know what to do right now. Well, I'm sure it's best she stays in there.

A small clang of footsteps trailed behind me, and I can't hold in my grin.

She's following me.

AN: So...that happened. Anyway, Barton knows ASL! At least, I think it's a headcanon of some sort. I read on a tumblr post that his first language was sign language...so I searched it up and it turns out there was a comic series on it. So, I played off from that. The next chapter is going to be interesting...or at least, I think so. Happy reading!

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