4: Thunder and Lightning

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-Steve Rogers: Captain America-

So, this is the guy who was in the file that Fury gave me. I walk over slowly as he turns his head up from tasting his own medicine.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everyone else...we ended up disagreeing."

A smile formed showing white teeth.

"The soldier." he breathes. "The man out of time."

"I'm not the one who's out of time." I heard the slight hum of an aircraft flying in behind me. Having Agent Romanoff and Watson as my back up was relieving. This was followed by a clicking of a weapon opening up from the bottom, and Agent Romanoff's voice on an intercom.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." Without a single thought he fired another ray at them. I turn back and catch the glimpse of the two dodging the projectile. I in reaction throw my shield at him. He easily makes it ricochet off his scepter, as our little battle starts.

-Evelyn Watson-

I watch intently on Loki and the captains duel, as the rest of the civilians are running for shelter. At least they won't get hurt. If we could just shoot Loki and knock him down to immobilize him... I grab the wheel that operates our gun below and start tracking Loki on it, while Natasha moves the ship itself. After a while I feel a hand stop me in my pursuit. She handed a pre-written note to me.

"The guy is all over the place. If we shoot then Steve will get hurt as well." If only sometimes I were as smart as her. I look back to the front, and see Captain Rogers get thrown aside by the Asgardian. This isn't looking good. I swivel my head back and stare at Natasha's face, it changing from a look of wonder to of confusion. I give her my own questionable expression, and hers turns into a slight smile. What is going on? A pop up comes from one of the computers, saying our audio had a system override. Sometimes I really hate not being able to hear. She points to the right for me, and I turn my head in that direction.

The light afterglow of someone flying high in the sky. His metal colors of yellow and red are unmistakable. Tony Stark, or Iron Man. He invented his suit of armor when he was captured in the middle east. Then kept improving on it, making him the rich man he is now. Apparently doesn't work well with others and has a snarky personality. I'll have to find out.

Stark uses the blasters he has on his hands, firing Loki back as he lands on one knee. He brings himself up and takes a stance, all of his gadgets and gizmos aimed at the god. The captain runs up next to him as Loki puts his hands up, his armor disappearing.

Well, that could have been worse.

*Time Skip* -Evelyn Watson-

"You sure your going to be ok by yourself?" I signed to Diane so she could tell Natasha. She gave me a nod, and I put my hand to my chin and swooped it outward. A "thank you" was needed for making her fly the ship with no co-pilot. After all, it was starting to downpour. I went out to where the other Avengers were, and slumped down in my own chair. I sleepily stared at the other three in the room. Stark and Rogers seemed to be conversing, but with the tense look on their faces it wasn't turning out well. Loki on the other hand was sullen. At this point I didn't care, I was extremely tired. My eyes fluttered shut for a while, the vibrations of the vessel coming through my feet and slightly reverberating my body. Most would be scared, but I find it quite relaxing. I'll just sleep for the rest of the trip back...

A rapid jolt forward awakes me from my nap, and my first sight is Diane, who has strapped herself in the seat as a caution. I stand up, a number of questions floating in my mind.

"What's going on?" I quickly sign to her. Her trembling hands make a hasty response.

"I don't know...but it doesn't look good." I grab the gun from my holster and latch onto the closest object to keep myself in place. Rogers puts his mask on as Stark fastens his helmet, opening the loading dock. What is he doing? It seems the captain had my same thought, and he forms the same question. There's no time for Stark to make any type of reply before a new faces comes upon us. I can't even make out much except for his blonde locks before he swiftly knocks Iron Man down with his hammer, and  seizes Loki. The figure then flies off with him. Everything happened so fast...though something about him seemed so...I can't even put a word on it right now. I go back to Natasha and sit in the co-pilot seat, taking the other half of the reigns once more while the other two handle the situation. Their going to do better than I ever would have, I know it. I turn my head once, and they both seem to be gone. I have faith in them. Right now, keeping this ship in the air is top priority.

*Time Skip (Again, sorry!)* -Evelyn Watson-

Diane and I walk with the rest of the agents that are leading Loki to his cell. According to Fury it was made to keep in Banner...if he became angry. The thought struck a little fear in my heart. I entered the door where the jail cell was located, catching them close the door with a caged god. Fury came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. He opens his mouth and I hurriedly shift my eyes to Diane.

"Go and check on the group for me, now that their all together." I give him a nod and head that way. There were butterflies in my stomach...but why? This shouldn't be that nerve-racking...yet it is.

AN: I don't really care if anyone gave me feedback...I just really got the urge to write and ended up with this all in one day! I can't say enough to the people who even looked and read my story, but hey, thanks a lot! Happy reading and I hope you're enjoying this so far. Its gonna get real interesting in the next chapter, I promise!

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