9: Glow

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-Evelyn Watson-

Making sure Natasha didn't get killed. Expected.

Watching Thor zoom right passed me and taking down the green giant? Not so much.

"Natasha, are you ok?"

"Since when did you learn to speak?"

"Long story. Now, are you alright?"

"...Yes, I'm fine." Her weak pause along with the shivering of her body say otherwise. I won't harp her about it. She was almost annihilated in the worst way after all. I change my gaze to the gaping hole in the wall, watching Thor and Banner duke it out.

"Ok...I'm gonna go and make sure the others out there are safe. You...stay here." I felt bad for leaving her there, but I have a mission. Make sure none of these people get killed. I motion the few who are struck with fear from the ongoing fight to clear the area. There will be no one getting hurt on my watch. My thoughts go back to what's going on behind me, and I turn around to check on Thor.

"We are not your enemies Banner...try to think!" Thor blocks one of his punches, but is hit and thrown back by his other hand. He is a god, but even that must have hurt. It'll take him a bit to recover. But the Hulk is heading over to him, and fast.

He needs a distraction.

I take my gun and aim, firing warning shots at him. He turns his head at me. I'm a target now.

"Come on, big guy." I mutter under my breath. He races for me. I slide in between his legs at the last moment, quickly darting out of his way when he swings his fist. I run over to Thor, praying to god he's gotten up. His back is facing me, arm outstretched like he's calling something.

He's waiting for Banner to reach him.


"Just a moment!" I go from a run to a skid, ducking under his arm as he turns and smacks Banner in the face with his summoned hammer. He smashes into a small aircraft breaking off a wing and chucking it at the thunder god. He bends back while I jump out of the way to avoid it, hitting the vehicle behind me. Thor throws his hammer, the Hulk catching it. Its stuck under his hand when he attempts to lift it, trying so hard that the floor crumbles farther beneath his feet. I can only watch in awe at Thor leaping up and kicking him while swiftly taking hold of his weapon and struggling to choke him. In turn the Hulk surges upward, leaving me on the lower level.

"Going to the stairs will take too much time." I back away a few steps, getting a running start and jumping off from a large crate, grabbing onto the edge of the new damage Banners made. It takes me a little bit to hoist myself up, the broken glass giving my hands small wounds. Thor and the Hulk are at it once more, the doctor hurling him to the air. The god lands back first on the debris ridden floor, cringing in both pain and exhaustion.

I aim my gun at him as an instinct. Theres no more tricks up my sleeve, but I've never been one to run away...even though I really should right now. He takes one step closer to me, my heart beating fast and my hand shaking as I feel the floor reverberating through my feet. I take a deep breath and lick my dry lips.

Rapid shots come through the window pane, shattering it. A few strike Banner, his ferocity boiling at his latest prey. He gets a running start, springing himself forward and crushing the nose of the plane. It tilts downwards, rapidly taking it to land.


My back hits the wall and I slowly slide down it, my legs feeling like jello. So, this is what Natasha felt like.

"Eve, are you alright?" Thor leans down to my side, studying my face with intent.

"I'm fine, thank you very much." He turns to the side, showing the blood trickling down his face. Instinctively I grab my small first aid kit, ripping open one of the wipe packs and dabbling the side of his head with the tissue inside.

"Sorry if it stings a little."

"No trouble at all." He lets me clean the scrape, once I finish putting it back in the wrapper and in the small box where it came from.

"May I have another one of those?" I am puzzled by why, but give him what he asked for. He takes hold of my hand and cleans the small cuts lain across my palms. "You are hurt as well after all." He explains. He takes his time, making sure its done correctly.

"There you are." He repeats the same procedure with the dirty cloth, handing it back to me when he is all finished. I put that back in my box as well, slowly standing up since the feeling in my legs is back.

Ok, that just happened.

"So, where to next?"

"I must speak to Loki."

"Then thats where were gonna go." Thor grabs his hammer and the two of us head to our destination at a brisk pace.

"I am amazed at your stamina Eve. If you do not mind me asking, why did you help me against Banner? You could have let me handle it...yet you did the latter. You are very brave." Thor inquires, and also praises me. Here comes another time where I'm red like a tomato.

"Well, its simply what I was trained to do. It doesn't matter who my enemy is, my impulse is always to help. And trust me, I was terrified."

"Afraid yet did it anyway..." His eyes tapered off, like he was reminiscing. I won't ask. "I admire that."

Wait, he admires me?

"Oh stop it, you have so many good qualities. Your trustworthy, energetic, funny..." One more word comes to mind, it slipping through my mouth.

"Cute..." I lightly gasp at what I just said. Thor turns to look at me.

He's red like a tomato too.

I can't help myself, and laugh. It's been a while since I was this happy. To think out of everyone I'd see like that, It'd be him.

"Let us...focus on what is ahead." He puts his hand to his mouth, turning away from me.

People say that I practically radiate warmth and sunshine. I've never believed them.

But the warmth in my heart right now...is this the sensation they were talking about?

AN: Wow, out of all the places I put a comic relief, its before a huge scene. I got RIGHT before the part where I'm really excited to write about...which means the next chapters gonna be a big one.

Also, hey! I actually wrote some action! And it was really fun to write this part even though I had somewhat of a hard time. Happy reading!

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