Tragedy Strikes

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Viserys' chambers

"I warned you! I warned you!" Rhaegon had his hands wrapped around his father's throat. He then delivered a punch to the king. "You killed her! You fucking killed her!" He repeatedly punched his father in the face.

"Rhaegon stop!" Daemon entered the room and tried to get Rhaegon off Viserys. "Enough, nephew!"

"No!" Rhaegon shoved Daemon off and choked his father. "I'm going to fucking kill you! Just then Lord commander Ryam and ser Harrold entered as well. They took Rhaegon off the king.

"Please, calm down, my prince." Ser Harrold said. Please.

Rhaegon continued to fight the kinguards grip. He then heard a familiar voice. "Rhaegon!" He turned to see his sister, Rhaenyra. Rhaegon calmed down. He then removed his grip from the Kingsguard and left his father's room.

Rhaegons chambers

Rhaenyra entered her brothers chambers and saw him seated on a chair. The moment Rhaegon saw his sister he started crying. Rhaenyra immediately rushed to her brother and hugged him.

"He killed her." Rhaegon choked. "She loved him and he killed her."

"Shhh. I'm here, Rhaegon." Rhaenyra tried to calm Rhaegon down. "I'm here."

2 days later

Queen Aemma Arryn and her baby wer wrapped up and set on a pyre outside, ready to be laid to rest. The mourners all wore black and saw the queen and her infant son on the pyre as it was ready to be lit.

"They're waiting for you, nephew." Daemon told Rhaegon.

"I wonder if in those few hours that my brother was alive if father was happy?" Rhaegon asked.

"Your father needs you now, more than ever." Daemon pointed out.

"I'll never be what he wants me to be." Rhaegon said. "He wanted a son that would listen to him. An heir that he could control." Rhaegon said and walked forward and looked at his father. He then looked at his dragon Slyrak. He was waiting for his riders' command. Rhaegon then looked at the pyre. "Goodbye, mother. Dracarys!" He comanded, and Slyrak set the pyre on fire. Viserys closed his eyes and silently cried. He had loved only one woman in his life, and now one is gone, his Aemma was gone, and it was all his fault. "I will never forgive this, Father." Rhaegon said and walked up the hill and climbed on Slyrak. "Fly, Slyrak!" The Crimson dragon took off with his rider.


Slyrak was flying with his tremendous speed while Rhaegon was shouting.

"Why?! Why her?!" He yelled. "Faster, Slyrak!" Rhaegon commanded, and the Crimson Beast went faster. "Faster!" The crown prince commanded again. As Slyrak increased his speed, Rhaegon started to remember his mother.

"One day, your father will give up the throne to you, my son." Aemma said to a 10 year old Rhaegon. "You will be the greatest king to ever live."

"Faster!" Rhaegon commanded once again, and the dragon obeyed his rider. Anyone in sight, man, tree, or animal was pushed back. The speed was too much for even Rhaegon, but he didn't care.

"You are strong, my son. It's stronger than I am. Stronger than your father." Aemma told a 13 year old Rhaegon.

"Go faster, Slyrak!" Everything in sight was obliterated as Slyrak kept flying fast.

"Take this, my son." Aemma handed her 17 year old son a token with the symbol of House Arryn. "You are a Targaryen, yes, but you have Arryn blood in you as well. You are pure, and you are good. Promise me you will remember that."

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