The Son Becomes A Father

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Red Keep

9 months later

Rhaenyra was walking with Laena in the Red Keep. For the last 9 months, the two have bonded as sisters. They both had one thing in common; loving Rhaegon, and Rhaegon was happy that the pair got along and respected each other. Rhaenyra would sleep in their bed since Rhaegon asked for a bigger bed to be made in his room.

"Where's Rhaegon?" Rhaenyra asked as she massaged her swollen belly.

"I think he was training with Ser Harwin and Laenor." Laena said. 'You're due any day now, and you should not strain yourself." The princess consort said, looking at Rhaenyras' swollen belly.

Rhaenyra chuckled. "Rhaegon spent the night speaking to the babe as if it were here already."

Laena laughed. "Yes, after his council meeting, he came to me to ask if I could rush my due date as well." Laena massaged her 7 month swollen belly. Their laughter was interrupted by Queen Alicent.

"Princess. My lady." Alicent greeted. The Queen was 5 months pregnant.

"Your grace." Rhaenyra greeted.

"Your grace." Laena greeted.

"You should be in bed, Rhaenyra." Alicent said.

"I've told her that many times, your grace, but it seems as if I'm talking to the walls." Laena lightly chuckled.

"Yes, well. Some days are easier than most." Rhaenyra said.

"I'm sure Ser Laenor is overjoyed by the prospect of becoming a father." Alicent stated.

"He's already chosen a name for the babe." Laena said.

"Hm. Such is a father's right." Alicent awkwardly said.

"What of you, your grace? Are we well?" Rhaenyra asked, breaking the awkwardness.

"Yes, the king cannot wait for his next child." Alicent said. "Have either of you seen Rhaegon?"

"I'm right here." Rhaegon announced. He then walked to the three pregnant women. "You should be in bed, sister."

"Yes, well, we were looking for you." Rhaenyra said.

"Of course. Well, since we're all here, I was thinking that perhaps we could all dine together tonight. To celebrate the princess Rhaenyras babe." Rhaegon happily offered. "I've already spoken to Ser Laenor, and he's delighted by the idea."

"That is a good idea, husband." Laena said.

"Well, if we're all in agreement, I'll go talk to my father, and perhaps I'll see you all after the small council meeting." Rhaegon then walked to his father's chambers. Alicent watched as Rhaegon walked off, and both Laena and Rhaenyra noticed it.

Small council chambers

"What news from the Stepstones?" Rhaegon asked the master of ships.

"The fortifications have been built, my prince. We have men from the houses Celtigar and Bar Emmon standing guard." Tyland said.

"Good." Rhaegon said. "One problem has been solved. Now, we only have to bring Dorne into the fold."

"If there's anyone who can do it, it's you, my son." Viserys praised Rhaegon.

"It won't be easy. Perhaps I'll sail there myself to show them we mean no disrespect." Rhaegon said.

"With respect, my prince." Lyonel spoke up. "That would not be wise."

"It would be fun. I haven't been to Dorne in years. Perhaps I'll take Harwin with me." Rhaegon said. "After all, we will go under peace."

"My only concern is that the Dornish are untrustworthy, my prince." Lyonel stated.

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