The Void

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Rhaegon was searching for Rhaenyra for 10 minutes, and he had finally found her in the godswood.

"Rhae?" He called out to her.

"How could he?" Rhaenyra asked as her eyes watered up.

"I don't know. I was certain that he would marry Laena." Rhaegon said. "He's played us. I'm sorry, sister." He held her, and she cried into his shoulder.

"I hate him... I hate her!" Rhaenyra spat.

"I know. I promise I won't let him get away with hurting you." Rhaegon said.

"Go and talk to Father. Try to see if he will break the betrothal." Rhaenyra suggested.

"I don't think he can. The council already sees him as weak. If he breaks his betrothal, they'll see him as an oathbreaker as well." Rhaegon said. "You're right about one thing, I have to talk to him. Will you be alright here?" He asked.

"Yes." Rhaenyra nodded at her brother. Rhaegon turned to leave, but Rhaenyra stopped him. "Rhaegon?"

"Yes." He said.

"I..." Rhaenyra wanted to tell him so badly that she loved him. She wanted to ask him to take her to Dragonstone and make her his wife, but the words didn't want to come out. "Nothing. I shall see after your talk with Father." Rhaegon nodded and walked off.

Viserys chambers

Rhaegon entered his father's chamber only to find the king seated away from his Old Valyria model.

"I thought I'd find you celebrating." Rhaegon said.

"What's there to celebrate? My children hate me." Viserys pointed out.

"Self-pity doesn't suit a king, but then again, I never saw you as a true king." Rhaegon spat.

"Rhaegon-" The king was cut off by his son.

"Alicent Hightower. You couldn't have chosen anyone else?" Rhaegon asked. He then poured himself a cup of wine and sat across from his father. "I want to play a game."

"What game?" Viserys inquired.

"The game where you're honest for once." Rhaegon said.

"Ask me anything, and I will answer it." Viserys said.

"How long have you been courting your daughter's best friend?" Rhaegon asked.

Viserys swallowed thickly. "Rhaegon, please..."

"Father, as men we have to get our cocks wet from time to time." Rhaegon arrogantly smirked. "This I understand, so just between the two of us, how long?" He asked again.

"Rhaegon-" Viserys was cut off again.

"How long?!" Rhaegon shouted.

"Since the night of your mother's funeral." Viserys sadly said.

"My mother's bones weren't even melted off hee body and you already decided on your next fuck?" Rhaegon asked.

"Rhaegon,'s not how it happened." Viserys defended.

"You knowingly destroyed my sister. The only reason that I'm not killing you is out of respect for my mother." Rhaegon balled up his fist. "But understand that you and I are nothing to one another. Rhaenyra and I will attend your farce of a wedding, and then I shall take her to Dragonstone. Far away from you fucking your child bride."

"How long will you be gone?" Viserys asked.

"As long as it takes for Rhaenyras anger to be sated." Rhaegon said. "You've destroyed your grandsires legacy." Rhaegon then left his father's room.

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