The Deal

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Tower of the hand

Otto was packing his things to get ready yo leave Kings Landing. He stopped at the sound of Prince Rhaegons voice

"Such a shame. How the mighty have fallen." He said.

"You did this? You're the one who convinced the king to dismiss me." Otto said in disbelief.

"I gave you a chance to leave with your dignity in tact, but you chose to decline my offer." Rhaegon said.

"You have made a grave error, boy." Otto spat.

"Have I? You see Otto it's easy to take someone's life, but to make them suffer is much more...delicious. You made your bed when you chose to have your daughter marry my father." Rhaegon said.

"You've never cared about the realm." Otto said.

"That's where you're wrong. I do care about the realm, I care about my sister more, and I'll seek vengeance for her. She loves me, and I love her. The next time, you upset her." Rhaegon said. "Safe travels, my lord." Rhaegon then left the Tower of the Hand.

It was raining in the Kings Landing, and Otto was getting ready to get on his horse.
"A moment." He stopped at the sound of Alicents voice. She was shielded from the rain by a servant holding a big umbrella. "I do not wish to see you go." She said.

"Such is the kings decision." He said as he put his gloves on.

"A decision I most bitterly regret." She said.

He looked at his daughter. "And yet you made it possible, you chose Rhaegon and Rhaenyra." He said.

"She swore her innocence, and I believed her." She said.

"You wanted to believe them, as did their father." Otto spat.

"Your informant was wrong, an honest mistake perhaps, but I didn't not forsee this." Alicent said, tearing up.

"You should have." He said angrily.

"If you had not been so relentless in advancing Aegon as heir!" Alicent yelled, and Otto walked toward her.

"Listen to me daughter, the king will die, it may be months or years, but he will not live to be an old man, and when Rhaegon ascends the throne, the realm will not accept him. He's violent and impulsive like Daemon, or worse. He'll kill your children, all of them. Please, Alicent, prepare Aegon to rule or watch as Rhaegon slaughters them before your eyes."

Alicent was crying. She didn't want to believe that Rhaegon was mad and cruel, but she couldn't help but wonder if the crown prinve would really do what her father was saying. Seeing her distress, Otto hugged his daughter tightly, and she cried on his shoulder. He then climbed on his horse and rode off, leaving Alicent to think about what he said.


A week later

Viserys was puking through the whole ship ride, and the newly appointed Hand of the King, Lord Lyonel Strong, handed him a cloth to wipe his mouth. Rhaegon was angry, but he was also worried. The crown prince noticed Ser Criston Cole staring at Rhaenyra, and he couldn't help but feel jealous because the Kingsguard knight looked at her in a way that a knight shouldn't look at a princess.

The ship landed on Driftmark, and the royal party saw Ser Laenor and Ser Joffery sparring. The two knights stopped and bowed their heads to the royal family.

"Where is Lord Corlys?" Lyonel asked. "He should be here to receive the king." Just then, the doors opened, and they saw Lady laena and the Sealord of Bravos' son.

"Welcome to High Tide, your grace." She greeted the king, and they both bowed.

"What is the meaning of this Lady Laena?" Lyonel asked again. "Is this how House Velaryon greets its king?"

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