A Dragon In Mortal Skin

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Kings Landing

The royal family arrived in Kings Landing and the king had slowly stepped out if the carriage and everyone saw how pale he looked and how drowsy he was, they saw the king fall and everyone was around him until finally they lifted him up and brought him into the Red Keep.

"Fetch the maester!" Lord commander Harrold shouted.

"Get back!" Lord Lyonel shouted.

"Get Mellos! Get back!" The lord commander shouted again.

"Prepare the crucible. We'll need leaches..." Mellos said.

Rhaegons carriage arrived, and he saw his father being dragged away. "What happened?"

"His grace fell. He must be exhausted from the travel." Ser Criston said.

Rhaegon looked at his sister. "I have to see to Father."

"Go. I'll be in my room." Rhaenyra said.

Queen Alicents chambers

Ser Criston was summoned to the queens chambers. He had no idea what the queen would want with him or why she would summon him, but he hastily went to her chambers.

Alicent was sitting with crying, Heleana, once again. She remembered how easily Rhaegon calmed her down, but she did working, and she was getting tired. "Ser Criston, your grace." Her lady-in-waiting announced.

She then handed Heleana to the midwife. "That will be all." She said as the midwife took away the crying baby. Ser Criston entered and bowed his head. "I fear I must question you on a delicate matter, Ser Criston." Alicent said.

"I am your servant as always, my queen." he said

"It concerns our dear princess Rhaenyra. Please." She motioned for him to take a seat next to her.

He then walked toward her, and she moved aside for him to sit, which he did. "You are her sworn protector and rightly loyal to her."

"I am." Ser Criston said nervously.

"The night of my fathers dismissal... there's been a rumor... or rather ser Otto received and an accounting of...a lapse of morals that may have occurred between..." Alicent had no idea how to phrase what she was asking the knight. "It is, of course, unthinkable for me to question the virtue of the princess whom I hold in highest regard, but I did, however, wonder if..." Ser Criston was too nervous to even attempt to answer. "I'm not unaware that in a flush of youth... there may be errors made..." At this point, she was referring to her kissing Rhaegon and confessing her love for him. "Breaches in resolve, breaches or rather lapses -"

"It happened your grace." Ser Criston finally spoke. She turned to him, hoping she did not hear what he said. "The sin you allude to. Prince Rhaegon has committed it." This shocked Alicent either Rhaenyra had sex with Rhaegon and lied about it.

Alicent then turned away from him. This was too much. How did it all come to this. She and her sister were close once, and now it's as if they barely know each other. Rhaenyra lied to her. How can any of this be fixed.

She then composed herself. "Thank you for your honesty, Ser Criston." She then turned to him. "You may go." The knight looked at the queen, and then he bowed and left.

Viserys chambers

Viserys was in bad shape, he was pale and the treatment that he was receiving seemed to only have made things worse, he was advised by Rhaegon to have his maester tend to him, and Viserys allowed it under the supervision of Grandmaester Mellos and maester Orwyle

"Rest now, your grace. I will bring the leeches." Mellos said.

"If I may Grandmaester, I too the liberty of preparing a fresh set of herbal poultices that might be more effective." Maester Orwyle,  the Grandmaesters assistant, was cut off by Mellos.

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