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I ran to Gryffindor common room, there sat the fat lady, a book in hand and a cup of steaming hot tea in the other. She looked at me from head to toe when she heard the sound of my footsteps, " A Slytherin?" she asked, looking at me, with a raised eyebrow and a bit of surprise.

"The Hogwarts Champion, the riddle please." I asked her impatiently, she smiled at me for a brief moment and started narrating the riddle, "What can fill a room but takes no space?"

I knew the answer and immediately answered, "Light."

She smiled at me and said, "Very well, you may enter."

I ran in and started to look around the common room, I was looking around the common room when I noticed a book on the table in the corner of the room, the name of the book was not written on it only a picture of the greenhouse was there and I was pretty sure that it was a clue as there was a small picture of Triwizard cup became visible as soon as I held the book in my hand, I ran to the greenhouse before I could enter the greenhouse the door closed and a riddle appeared out of thin air, "This plant seems like an ordinary houseplant, but when touched, it tightens and constricts around the object and chokes the life out of them, what is its name?" I remember helping Y/N to memorise about this plant when she was in her first year, she was murmuring about this plant when she bumped into me and fell.

"Devil's snare." I answered confidently, I was smiling after remembering that instant with her.

The riddle disappeared and the door to the green house opened, I went inside quickly and saw several book scattered on the table none of them had the name of the book and had the pictures of different places of Hogwarts some, one had a picture of potions classroom the other had a picture of the staircases and other had pictures of oher places, but the one that was the most different one was the one with the picture of the three headed dog fluffy present on the third floor on the castle on the right, I knew at once that it was the place I had to go to but just to make sure that I was right so I picked the book and sure enough the small picture of the triwizard cup appeared, I ran as fast as I could to the castle and reached the third floor corridor on the right, I opened the door reciting, "Alohomora" with a swish and flick of my wand the door was open, stepped inside and saw Fluffy growling but as soon as he saw me , he stopped growling and started licking me, I knew him because of Y/N, she was always curious about the castle and dragged me with her on her little adventures, it was on one fine day that we had stumbled across Fluffy while running away from Filch after he had seen us in the corridor after sleeping hours, Fluffy was growling and even I was a bit afraid of it before, Y/N took out a pack of biscuit and fed it to the big beast, Fluffy did not like me at all in the starting and tried to bite my head off more times than I can count, he was only friendly to Y/N and had become a giant pet dog of hers, slowly but surely, me and Fluffy also became friends, he started to like me as well but not as much as he loved Y/N.

"Down boy!" I told him but he just did not stop so I used my want and charmed the flute which was in the corner to play music and Fluffy fell asleep, I started to look around for clues, soon I remembered that there was a trap door located where Fluffy is sleeping, I levitated Fluffy and entered the room behind the trap door after gently putting fluffy down, I lost my grip on the handle of the trap door and fell on branches, I observed my surroundings and knew at once that it was Devil's snare, I relaxed my body completely and fell to the ground after the deadly vines of Devil's snare released me. A first year student could pass this task of the tournament, it was too easy, I moved from there and saw a replica of the trophy I went near it and held it, I was immediately transferred inside a chamber, a lot of sculptures of snakes were there, I saw key on a podium in the middle of the room, I could not believe that it was this easy, I slowly started to walk towards it, I stood frozen in my spot when I saw hundreds of acromantulas crawling out of the many tunnels in the chamber, I knew I could defeat them all with just one spell but doing that would be stupid and people will start being suspicious of me so I did what a normal wizard would try to do, I dashed towards the key, only to be stopped when an Acromantula stood before me, I was surrounded, I knew, everyone was able to watch what was going on with each champion in the great hall, I knew Y/N was worried sick about me, I knew what I had to do now, an acromantula attacked me from behind just like I predicted, I sent him flying with just a flick of my wand, it was getting harder to fight all of, but I somehow managed to get the key, a door started to shine brightly in the corner of the room, I managed to get to and entered the room behind it. There I saw a giant Acromantula larger than the ones I just fought, sitting on something golden, it was probably the golden egg that I had to retrieve, the Acromantula was sleeping or so I thought as soon as I started walking closer to it, the Acromantula opened its eyes, I gulped, " I need the egg." I said bravely.

"Then why don't you try to take it."The Acromantula said.

I started to walk towards it when the Acromantula spat something, I moved just in time to avoid it, it fell on the floor and left a burning mark on the floor, I knew at once that it was Acromantula venom before I could do something else it started to spit venom aiming at me, I dodged it.

I was not getting an opportunity to stun the Acromantula with a spell, I was running around dodging its attacks trying not to get killed, I decided that I would have to just start throwing spells in order to stun it, I started throwing spells at it, we were both dodging each other's attacks.

"CONJUNCTIVITIS!!" I shouted, luckily the spell hit the Acromantula, causing it to stumble, I quickly took the egg and ran to a door which I hadn't noticed when I first entered the room.

As soon as I got out, I fell down and noticed that I was actually hit by one of the attacks of the Acromantula, my clothes pant was a little burnt there, that region on my leg felt as if it was burning, my head started to ache, I knew that I could heal myself right now but that would be stupid.

I completed my first task, I thought happily, I heard the flapping of wings when I saw, phoenix flying towards me, I knew her she was Dumbledore's pet, she loved Y/N and liked me enough to not hurt me and that too was only because this magical creature cared for the love of my life, who had a penchant for getting herself in trouble while trying to find interesting things to do and places to explore. She scared the shit out of me when she took me to see the Pheonix who tried to gauge my eyes out because I patted my girlfriend's butt, over time the stupid bird had learned not to hurt me or Y/N would be sad but I just know that beady-eyed monster hated me.

It was as if the bloody bird knew that Y/N would be sad to see me, being sick, the phoenix looked at me and then bent down to where my leg got hit by the venom, a few tears fell from its eyes, healing me, I smiled and bowed my head a little as a thank you, I didn't want to but I was grateful albeit a bit reluctantly so, then it held my cloaks in its claws and flew up through one of the tunnels to the trap door, and flew somewhere else after helping me.

I ran out the trap door, away from Fluffy to the great hall where everyone was waiting, I ran in and saw that I was the first champion who won the first task, the great hall roared in applause as soon as they noticed the golden egg that I was carrying, a few moments later Momo and Mark also came.

I won the first task and everyone was very proud of me but my eyes were searching for only one person through the crowd as soon as my eyes met her beautiful ones, my heart started to flutter, I could see her eyes brimming with tears, I wanted nothing more than to walk to her to take her in my embrace but I could not do it at least not yet. I smiled at her and she smiled back, I could see her trying to control herself from coming to me and fussing over me and laughed a little thinking of how she would scold me later when we were all alone.

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