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Both of us grabbed our bags and decided to go to the port key that led us to Seokjin's neighbourhood when our doorbell rang. I opened the door to come face to face with a man of short build standing in front of me in a bright white uniform of a driver, his starched and ironed uniform made me think that I looked a bit unpresentable in front of him.

"Master Kim sent me to escort you and Mr. Kim for your stay at the Gwangsan Kim's manor." He said in a polite tone accompanied by a matching polite and professional smile.

"Thank you." I said and went inside to help Tae drag our luggage when the driver came and waved a wand making our bags levitate and grabbed them from us saying that we should not worry ourselves with these tasks and it was Seokjin's orders to not let us stress over anything and make our ride as comfortable for us as possible.

As soon as we reached the car, a chauffeur came from the front seat and opened the doors for us, bowing to us politely and both of us bowed back.

The chauffeur closed the door behind us and went to the driver's seat while the male dressed in white uniform sat in the passenger seat, he drove for a few minutes and then the car ascended into the air and turned invisible to the curious eyes of the muggles.

Taehyung looked at me with sleep in his eyes, looking ready to pass out and have nice long nap, since Jin's house was a two hour ride I decided to let Tae rest by letting him lay down on the seat with his head resting on my lap, I gently carded my fingers through his soft raven locks and smiled at him as he drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

I don't know when I fell asleep but it was when a person was gently shaking my shoulder that I woke up and looked up to see Jin giving me a gentle smile, I looked down to my lap to see if Tae was still sleeping or not, Jin was about to wake him up when I gestured him not to, he smiled, took out his wand and used the levitating spell on Tae to move him out of the car.

The sheer sight of Seok Jin's family mansion astonished me, the entrance gate was a tall and wide black gate made by the finest craftsman who had made intricate designs that made it looked elegant as ever, we walked down the path leading to the mansion, the driver had dropped us off at the gate because Seok Jin wished to personally escort us to the mansion and to our room. We walked past the verdant lawns, the grass was cut evenly the bushes trimmed to take the shapes of beautiful shapes, the lawn looked flawless and well taken care of, several fountains were also constructed throughout the large property, we were followed by Jin's house elf Elliot, he was not so much of a house elf now since Jin had gifted him a pair of socks, a shirt and a pair of trouser along with shoes to free him, such an incredulous action had made Jin's family furious but he stood his ground against his old fashioned parents and his parents relented to his wish after all he was the youngest heir to their wealth, also referred to as their little prince.

Elliot who was then freed from being a house elf and was no longer forced to serve the Kim's was adamant about serving Seok Jin and considered Jin as his friend so, even though he was free he decided to serve Jin and only Jin none of his family members.

Elliot even had his own room in the Kim mansion and often shared meals with the youngest heir. He is extremely protective of Seokjin so when he saw the hickey Namjoon had left on Jin's neck after what jin described as the most passionate night of his life Elliot was ready to throw Namjoon out of the house thinking that he had hurt Jin who later told Elliot never to hurt any of his friends.

We stood in front of the massive, we entered and stood in the elegant and grand, high ceilinged foyer giving off a regal vibe which suited the Kim's perfectly seeing as they do have royal blood coursing through their veins, I was busy admiring the foyer when I saw Elliot guiding Tae's still sleeping and levitating figure up the stairs and probably to our room.

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