Chapter Three

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"Oh, dearie! Welcome!" Mrs. Bickle enclosed me in a warm hug outside her home just ahead of the Lower Hogsfield Floo Flame. "I've set up an extension charm at the back of the house so you can have your own room and a washroom. I know how important it is for teenage girls to have their privacy." She laughed to herself. "I'm just so grateful for everything you've done for us, I just HAD to let Matilda... I mean, Professor Weasley, know of my gratitude and I'm so happy you accepted my offer. I know you don't have any family and they just barely found you at that orphanage in London and now... Oh my... I'm rambling..." She looked at me with worried, dark eyes realizing I was stunned into silence at her borage of words. "I'm so sorry, dearie. Please, please come in and let's get you settled. Archie, pick up your toys and make some room on the sofa." She called to her son. He looked just the same as I remember him with his messy hair and young boyish features.

"Hi, Archie. How are you?" I asked, giving him a warm smile and sitting myself next to him on the small, brown sofa.

I looked around the cottage realizing I hadn't been inside before. I only spoke to Mrs. Bickle outside in her garden. It was quaint with a large central fireplace, tatty brown sofa and comfy looking armchair. A small wooden table with four matching chairs. The table looked inviting with a basket of fruit sitting on top of it. There was a little kitchen with many herbs hanging around the ceiling and pots and kettles everywhere. I could see a separate bed area off to the side with a bookshelf and dresser hidden by a curtain. And in a straight line from the front door, what would be the back of the house, was another door. I assumed that was where Mrs. Bickle had set up her extension charm. What a sweet woman to think of me like that.

"I'm good I guess." He answered me. He shot a look to his mother who was bustling away in the little kitchen, talking to herself about how great it was to have another woman around the house for the summer.

"Mum keeps an annoyingly closer watch on me now. But. She's mum." I laughed at his response. It must be nice to have that dynamic with your parents. Although with losing his father so young, I could relate to the loneliness he must feel. "I expect we'll be entertaining each other plenty this summer, Archie. Not to worry." His face lit up.

"So, we'll just move your trunk through this door here dearie and that will be your room. I have letters and instructions of your summer assignments from Matilda for you. By the way, she said to tell you she'll be stopping by in the next few days to check on your adjustment and all. Not to worry, dearie. We'll be just like a second home to you. After all you've been through, you deserve it." Her smile was so warm and comforting. I knew immediately I had made the right decision.

"Thank you for your kind offer, Mrs. Bickle. You really needn't have done it. But I was all too happy to accept. I'm sure we'll have a memorable summer." I only half meant my words. Something inside me was already feeling a tad homesick for the castle, the comfort of the common room, my friends and... him.

I swallowed quickly to hide my feelings and push them down. I composed myself and smiled up at Mrs. Bickle. She beamed.

"Well, I'm sure you want to get acquainted with your new surroundings. Here are your assignments and instructions. Archie and I usually have dinner around sunset here at the table, so you have a few hours to get unpacked and situated, dearie. Please, please make yourself at home." She reached over and patted my arm in a warm way. "Such a sweet, young girl..." she half mumbled as she grabbed a basket and headed outside to the garden. If she only knew how many people this sweet, young girl has killed... I thought to myself. Shaking away those dark thoughts, I headed off to my new accommodations.


The hot bath was barely even warm now as I stirred in the water, picking my head up from the rim. I must have drifted off while soaking my sore muscles from yesterday's fight. I lifted my hands out of the water and sure enough they were very wrinkly. I pulled myself up and out of the bath and began to dry off and dress.

Out of the Shadows // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now