Chapter Fourteen

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Time was flying by! I was getting into a solid routine. My classes were not overwhelming me but they kept me plenty busy. I still had some catching up to do.

Randomly, in class a professor would reference something and there would be a class reaction or an opportunity to answer and I was just dumbfounded. Feeling like I was so far behind. But my friends all reassured me I was doing well considering I'd only started using magic a little over a year ago.

I went home every other weekend to be with mum and Archie. We were starting to be a real family. It was incredibly nice to have that support. And I started to fill them in on my special powers and my lineage. I didn't tell them everything. But I wanted to be able to trust my family. So, I began to open up. They accepted me. Regardless of all my strangeness. Just like Omi had said, I am who I am to anyone that matters regardless of my last name.

I didn't venture out into the highlands much though. I sort of missed it. But in truth, I was scared. If I had to use my powers and that dark explosion happened again, or something worse, I don't know if I could handle that. So, I just concentrated on my studies and my friends and my first ever boyfriend.

Things with Omi were good. He was always so sweet. He would wait for me every morning and sit next to me at every meal. He would escort me to class carrying my books like a gentleman and somehow, even if we weren't in the same class, he would be waiting for me outside of it afterward to walk me to the next one.

He made me feel so special. Like I was actually worth all the special treatment he gave me. And the kissing...

He really knew how to kiss. We could sit for hours just kissing and cuddling. I loved it. People constantly made gross sounds at us and laughed, poking fun all the time but I didn't care. He was sweet. He treated me well. And he was a great kisser! What more could a girl ask for?

He even began to help try and figure out exactly what the prophecy had said and what it all meant. We had a devoted area dedicated to all my Ministry research down in the Undercroft and spare time was spent pouring over old texts about obscure prophecies on ancient powers. Anything we could find. I hadn't told him about the time turner I stole. Or that I may have found Anne's cure. I didn't know why. I guess I was scared. I did trust him. Implicitly. But I just couldn't bring myself to broach the time turner subject after he got so mad the last time I brought up my law breaking.

And once again, my misplaced loyalty was not allowing me to bring up Anne's possible cure because that would bring up so many other issues from the past and we'd have to talk about... him. And I was NOT going there.

I was back to keeping secrets once again. I wasn't exactly happy about it either. But if that was the worst thing happening, then I'd take it. Because I had genuinely never been this contented in my life. There was little to complain about. It seemed my storm was finally over. And I could just be a normal person.


Ominis was walking me to class on a rainy fall day. Our arms wrapped around each other. We reached the top of the stairs in Central Hall and he turned to me and said, "kiss me."

I didn't even think anymore. I just leaned in swiftly and pressed my warm lips to his. It was such a familiar dance to us now. He was holding my books in one hand and his hand with the lighted wand wrapped around my waist. I slid my fingers up into his hair and tugged gently. He let out a soft moan and pulled away.

"No fair playing dirty when we're right here in the hall." He grinned.

I tugged again and he grunted. "You started this." I laid a small peck on his lips and we turned to keep walking, giggling a little at ourselves.

Out of the Shadows // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now