A Very Hogsmeade Christmas

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(During the Beginning of Chapter Fifty-Three)

Sebastian's Perspective

"I don't think it's supposed to smell like that, mate." I wrinkled my nose at the scent of burning meat seeping out of the oven as Ominis stood next to it.

"It's fine." His nose wrinkled too, though. And I knew he knew I was right.

He pulled open the oven slowly and black smoke curled out from the inside.

"Shit!" He exclaimed and I rushed over to help him haul the burnt roast out of the oven and lay it on the counter.

It sat there, smoking gently, filling the house with its horrid smell. I reached over and opened the kitchen window to let the smell and smoke out and the fresh, wintry air in.

"Well, that's the end of Christmas dinner. I'm full. How about you?" Ominis turned to me with a cheeky grin.

"Stuffed. Let's drink."

He laughed loudly. "This has been a disaster. First, the potatoes I was swindled into buying were rotten. Then I dropped the dough for the rolls on the floor AND managed to slip on it, falling on my arse. And now, I've burnt the roast."

"Happy Christmas, mate!" I chuckled lightly, putting a full glass of firewhiskey in his hand.

He laughed again and we clinked our glasses, both downing them quickly.

"I miss the girls." He said sadly after a minute or so of silence.

I plopped into the nearest chair at the table. "Me too." I said sadly.

"No, I mean, for the cooking. We'd have the biggest meal right now. And we'd all be laughing. Remember last New Year's Eve?"

"Ominis. Please don't..."

"Oh. Sorry. I don't mean to make you sad. It's just... we four. It was always us. I mean, it really wasn't always us, but you know what I mean! It's been us for so long now. It's just... hard."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed. "Well, in case I haven't said it, thank you."

"For what?" He asked as he plopped in the seat next to me.

"For staying with me for Christmas. I'm sure Gaunt Manor is decked out like no other and you could be enjoying a hearty meal right now."

He scoffed. "I wouldn't spend another holiday there if you paid me. I should be the one thanking YOU."

"Well, faced with the prospect of spending the holidays alone, I couldn't help but ask you. Rachel's with... Will." I stuttered over his name in distaste. "And her family. She probably doesn't ever want to see me again after how I left things with her. And Anne is infuriated with me! She told me off. And then left in a huff for Imelda's." I refilled my glass and sipped on it.

"I know. She told me off too for taking your side." He sighed. "I miss the girls."

"Dammit, Ominis! I know!"

He laughed loudly. "Well... who's going to feed me? You? Who's going to dance with me around the Christmas tree? You? Who's going to cuddle me, whisper sweet nothings in my ear and give me a midnight kiss on New Year's Eve? You? If it's all the same to you, mate, I'd rather not."

"And why not? I'm a FANTASTIC kisser!"

We both laughed loudly, the firewhiskey starting to take over.

"Well, maybe someday, when we both have our heads out of our asses, the girls will return." He said smacking his lips from another drink.

"Yeah. You more than me. Anne will forgive you. She's tender hearted like that. But Rachel..." I sighed. "She's stubborn. She'll probably never forgive me."

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