Chapter Seventy-Eight

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This is it! The final chapter for Part Three of Out of the Shadows. I can't believe it. What a journey! Thank you everyone and please enjoy!!! KISSES

"Rachel. Hey. Good morning! Are you coming to class today?" Anne's gentle voice was near my face and she was gently shaking me awake.

"No." I said into my pillow. "Tired." I replied simply.

"Are you ok? Can I bring you anything?" She asked, kindly.

"No. Thank you." I spoke.

"Ok, well." She sighed. "I'll be back a little later to check on you, ok?"

I didn't answer her. I just rolled over and covered my head with the blanket, letting sleep find me again.


A weight plopped onto my bed next to me. "Hey there, sleepy sleeperson! Want to go to dinner with me? You need food." It was Imelda. She was nicer than I expected her to be since I had slept the whole day away. But still annoying just the same.

"Not hungry." I mumbled; eyes still closed.

"Come on, now. You have to eat something."

I rolled over and reached under my bed to the Honeydukes bag from my last date with Garreth and pulled out a chocolate. I threw it into my mouth and chewed loudly, then swallowed. "Happy?"

"Smart-ass." She said. I felt her weight leave the bed and the door close. I rolled over once again and went back to sleep. I just couldn't find the energy to be awake and deal with the world. Maybe I'd never get up again and just rot here in the castle.

They'd have to close this room off and mark it "Haunted by the ghost of the Hero of Hogwarts." I chuckled at my dark joke and slept on.


"She won't get up. I don't know what to do anymore." Anne was speaking and consciousness was slowly coming back to me.

"No worries, dear. I'm here now. Please give us some privacy." It was Nurse Blainey. Wow. They must be really worried.

I heard the door close and I opened my eyes. They were crusty and didn't focus right away.

"Nurse Blainey? What are you doing here?" I asked, my dry voice cracking slightly.

"Well, the girls were worried for you. You've been asleep for two days and haven't eaten or drank anything. I'm just doing a welfare check. Ms. Sallow tells me your brother just passed away. I was so sorry to hear that. Are you having difficulty dealing with your grief?" She had pulled a chair next to the bed to sit and talk to me.

"Yes, actually. Considering I was the one who killed him." I said sarcastically.

"Oh! Oh, my."

"It was self-defense." I added quickly, unsure why I felt the need to defend myself to her, but it just came out naturally.

"Oh. Either way, grief, especially over such a tight family connection, can be exceedingly difficult to manage. The first step is to listen to what your body needs. And I think by resting you've done that. But your body needs other things too. Like food and water." She poured me a glass of water from a jug she had brought. "Please drink this while we talk and we'll go from there. Small sips."

I took the cup and took a sip. It was good. Cold. I hadn't realized.... Then I chugged the whole thing.

"Be careful. Your stomach is probably sensitive. Slower now." She poured me a second cup.

"So, tell me. Have you dealt with grief in your life and how so?"

"I've lost many in my life, yes. And no, I don't deal with it very well. I usually don't have the time. I'm always being pushed or pulled in other directions. But... I'm done with that now. I'm done. No more."

Out of the Shadows // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now