Chapter Eighty****

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****Warning: This chapter contains sexually explicit adult content.****

I awoke gently. A soft glow permeated the room, letting me know that it must have been sunset. Did I take a long afternoon nap? It was chilly in the room as the sun was on the other side of the cottage. I curled up into the sheet.

I sat up quickly, suddenly remembering, pulling the sheet around me and looking around. He wasn't here.

"Sebastian?" I called timidly to the empty room.

Did I imagine it? Was I so desperately lonely that I imagined him finding me here at my new home... holding me... kissing me... making love to me.

NO. I couldn't imagine that. He was... much too good at that for me to make it up in my mind. I shook my head slightly and smiled to myself. Yes. He was here somewhere; I was sure of it.

I slowly slipped out of bed, bringing the sheet with me and walked over to the washroom door. I put my ear to it and I could hear water dripping. He must be in the tub.

I opened the door gently and peeked in. There he was, his damp hair hanging over his forehead in a sexy way, arms slung over the sides of the tub, head leaned back on the rim. He looked utterly relaxed.

"Hey." I said softly.

His warm, brown eyes opened and took me in, lighting up at the sight of me.

"Hello, darling. Did I wake you?" He looked concerned.

"No, not at all. I woke up alone... thought I dreamt the whole thing... but here you are." I smiled happily at him, closing the door behind me. The room was steamy but comfortable. It smelled like my rose oil was in the bath.

"You just looked so peaceful in your sleep. And with... the babies... I didn't want to disturb you." He said seriously.

"Oh." I couldn't think what to say to that. It was sweet. His concern. "So. Is this a private bath or can anyone join?" I smirked at him.

He chuckled. "No, not anyone. But you definitely can." He scooted back and ran some more hot water while I dropped the sheet and climbed in between his legs.

Once I was settled, he pulled me back to lay on his chest, enclosing me in his strong arms. He let out a contented sigh. I knew the feeling.


"Yes, darling?"

"I... really missed you. So, so much." My voice was slightly choked up as I confessed to him. "I... tried to write you... so many times. I just couldn't... there was so much..." I was struggling with my words again. I don't know why I had such a tough time talking to him today, but the words would not come out.

"Hey." He squeezed his arms around me trying to comfort me. "It's ok. I understand. I had a feeling when you left Hogwarts, that day when I said goodbye to you at the Floo... I just knew... you were going to run."

I tried to interject. "I wasn't runn..."

"Let me finish. Ok, maybe not 'run' but I knew you were going to... disappear for lack of a better term. I could see it in your eyes. You were telling me more than just 'see you later' and I wanted to hold onto you so hard right then. But I understood. Some things you must work through alone. I wanted to give you your chance to do that. But then a week turned into two and then a month and by the time I asked Mrs. Bickle what happened, she said she couldn't tell me. And I knew. I knew you had gone off somewhere to seclude yourself from the world. It's always been your way. To hide. Because you take it all on yourself. All the responsibility. All the guilt. All the pain. All the consequences. And you do it alone. You've always been that way. Well, I wasn't about to let you continue that... For the record, I missed you, too. So much it was like a constant ache.

Out of the Shadows // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now