Chapter Fifty-Three

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Welcome back, readers~This is the first chapter for Part Three, the final part of Out of the Shadows!!! Enjoy! Love you all!

"Happy Christmas, Rach!"

"Happy Christmas, Will."

We clinked our cups and drank deeply. "Mmm." I said, swallowing. "I've missed butterbeer." I said smacking my lips loudly his way. He nudged my elbow roughly and we both laughed.

"Yeah, I really like it." He took another large gulp, smacking his lips too. "My parents don't like it, so I've rarely ever had it."

We sat by the fire, looking at the Christmas tree, both full of mum's Christmas roast and tons of butterbeer, feeling relaxed and happy. It was a great Christmas.

"It was so nice of your mum to have me. And to give me a scrapbook all my own."

I chuckled. "And if I know mum, she's already started snapping pictures and soon you'll be filling it." I smiled.

"That would be nice. I feel like my life didn't begin until I met you. I want to remember it all. And everything before just... doesn't matter."

I wanted to agree with him. Badly. But everything in my life that happened before meeting Will was EVERYTHING. My whole life. Discovering the ancient magic. Coming to Hogwarts. Meeting... Sebastian. And everything in between... I wouldn't be me without all of that. Especially... him.

I swallowed hard. I could feel that lump forming in my throat again. "I wish I could agree... not that I'm not so happy to be together, finally. It's just hard that my friends don't accept the way my life has led. But I knew mum would." I said, artfully changing the subject.

"I can't believe how good her roast was. Every bit as good as you described." He rubbed his stomach in mock fullness and I giggled.

"She's really great. When they took me in, I had no one... I had nothing. I was completely alone in this world. And they just fully embraced me. Mum is the reason I'm not rotting away in Azkaban right now. Mum and Archie. You. This is my family. My true family. I'm so glad you can share this with me. And be part of my family now." His smile was a little sad. "You are, you know. You are part of this family. We are your family now, too, Will." I squeezed his hand and warmness filled his eyes.

"Thank you, Rachel. It's a good feeling. It... doesn't feel real. I always felt out of place... I wondered why they even adopted me... I guess I just wasn't what they expected."

"Forget them. You are important to me. And now you are important to mum and Archie, too! I don't think Archie would have.... taken my breakup with... Sebastian... too well if you hadn't been here to cushion the blow. He adores you! And he finally has a big brother to look up to!" I snuggled into his side feeling warmed by the butterbeer and the crackling fire.

"Thanks, again, Rach. I'm happy to be here." He rested his cheek on my head, holding me to his side. Having Will here helped my heartbreak as well. I may have said that it cushioned the blow for Archie... but it was really for me.

I was living in a nice little family bubble. But in just eight days' time, we would return to Hogwarts and I would be faced with the man who broke my heart. Again. I wondered why I always let him tear my heart out of my chest and went running back for more... My masochistic ways had no bounds, I supposed.

But, if it meant I got to have my brother in my life and share moments like this, maybe it would all be worth it someday... I just knew that my heart would never love another. If I didn't have Sebastian, then I would fall in love with no one else.

I was slowly accepting that fate. If I had Will, Archie, and mum, all I needed was my family. They loved me. And I could love myself. They meant so much to me. I could face anything else. And so could Will. We would together.

Out of the Shadows // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now