Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Three days later, we made our way to The Moonstone Garden, hand in hand, like usual.

Will was contemplative. I could tell he was thinking deeply. Our connection was still there of course but it was subdued by his deep thoughts.

"Are you ok? You're awfully quiet." I commented.

"Yes. I'm just thinking... I want them to have some information. I want them to help. Although the thought of accepting help from dark wizards is not ideal." He sighed.

"I know the feeling." I sighed, too. "But if they can assist us in getting what we need... then we can move on without them and live our lives. Together." I smiled at him softly. He finally smiled back. But I didn't feel like he was relieved at all.

I could feel it as we entered The Moonstone Garden and crossed through Will's enchantments. He had cast several to keep our activities hidden.

I looked around to see if they had arrived yet but saw no one. "Where are they? Just late?" I asked wonderingly.

"Oh. They won't be able to get in without me. Or without the mark."

"The mark?" I asked.

"Yes. I figured they should bear a mark to show their loyalty to us. And so they can go wherever we go without holding my hand... because.... Ew." He smiled ruefully my way. I chuckled slightly.

"What mark though? Like a tattoo? Or a brand or something?"

"I like the idea of a brand... " He looked like he was thinking deeply so I didn't disturb his thoughts and just sat on a large rock, surrounded by the everlasting candles and tried to relax.

Will was pacing in a little area. Hands behind his back. Thinking deeply.

"Will... they're coming." I pointed to the downslope leading up to our little garden.

"I'll go meet them and escort them in."

They returned quickly. Will left them standing a few yards in front of me and walked to my side. He placed his hand on my shoulder. I could feel our power just from that touch. The comfort of his touch made me feel instantly calmed.

"What information do you have for us?" Will asked firmly.

"The Greengrasses. An older couple." The man on the left said. "In their late fifties. Old wizarding family. Lots of money. They had one child-a daughter. She died about 15 years ago. They weren't close with her before that, though. They don't even know where she's buried." He stopped talking. He seemed to be waiting for approval or praise or something.

"Do they... have a vault? In Gringotts?" Will asked timidly.

"Y... yes. I believe so."

"Find out. You've earned another week of life. Go." He dismissed them and they turned slowly and walked away out of the garden.

"Why do you want to know if they have a vault?"

"Well. That's our inheritance." He smiled and then chuckled at me. I couldn't help it and giggled at his smug grin.

"Feeling restless, sister? I know of a dugbog den on our way back to the castle..." He extended his hand which I gratefully took, closing my eyes momentarily, absorbing the comfort of the connection.

We took off together back to the castle. With a pit stop or two.


"Where's Will today?" Garreth asked me as he sidled up next to me in Herbology. We used to share a potting table all the time in fifth and sixth years. But he'd been distant ever since the incidents at Durmstrang.

Out of the Shadows // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now