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One day everything's gonna end and that's the fact. Just a thought what would I do once this book is completed?. I don't wanna stop writing about them (ishman) tho but as said since the ancient times that everything comes to an end. So one day this book will come to an end too? I feel like yes it will not so soon but maybe... I feel like once this book has ended we will part our ways.

I'm just been a little emotional thinking about the future of this book lmao. I mean one day Imma disappear too and all that would be left would be my work.

I think something that's worst of a overthinker is that they live in future. Their thoughts are mingled with future and negative things. Instead of living in the present and thinking about the present movement all we do is overthink about the future. Sure thing that future do holds a mystery within itself and let's just admit future is indeed scary and exciting at the same time...

I myself don't know the future of this book. But whatever it holds I feel like I'm gonna accept that willingly.

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