Chapter 9 Patience Comes Into A Power

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Dark Moon of the Red DawnBy: LadyDawn

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 9 Patience Comes Into A Power

After her first week of training, Patience has been steadily improving with her herbal knowledge, but her confidence level is still well below par for someone her age. One day while cleaning and dusting in the prep room after a strenuous workout with Morgana, Patience was over by the shelves where Morgana kept all her healing stones laid outat the ready in case they are ever in need. One by one she picked them up to dust each and every stone and under them. Patience being Patience, she meticulously cleaned each one till she reached the Snowflake Obsidian stoneThis stone brings on serenity and purity. Brings both positive and negative emotions to the surface. Provides balance in times of change, and acts as a protection stone. Fights negative energies.–upon touching this particular stone Patience's body calmed visibly to Morgana who had been watching Patience in her usual nervous state, relaxed.


“Patience dear,” Morgana called out to her assistant. “How do ya feel right now?” a question of concern.

Patience firmed up her back , turned and smiled at Morgana. “Actually... I feel good,” Her smile grew bigger. “Really good, wonderful even.” She stopped her fidgeting and put down her cleaning rag and sat down on the edge of the prep table where Morgana sat watching her.

“That stone,” Morgana pointed to the stone she still held. Patience looked down to her hand noticing what she held between her fingers. “I do believe that is ya calming stone”–A stone that is bound to a person, to their internal energies. To focus the internal energies and level them out so to speak. Calm them and focus them to the world around them–“Ya calming stone is called the Snowflake Obsidian, such a pretty stone indeed.” Morgana explained. “We all have one, mine is this one here around ma neck. Ma stone is the Quartz. It is a clear crystal, see how the light plays off of it?” She showed Patience the refracted light from the sunlight shining in through the window casting a sort of a rainbow effect from the stone. “Isn't she pretty?”

“Ya have a pretty stone there Morgana. Ma stone is just a dull black and white one.” She looked down at it frowning at the stone in her hand turning it over and over looking at it again and again. It was mesmerizing her. Her eyes were totally focused on the stone as she tumbled it between her fingers. She was trance like, Morgana snapped her fingers between Patience's eyes and hands to snap her out of it to get her attention once again.

“Tell ya what. Let me make that into a neck charm for ya like mine OK?” Morgana asked her. She nodded her head in affirmative. Morgana took the small black and white stone and went to the shelf to retrieve some silver wire and wrapped it around the stone to form a means to hang the stone from. Then taking a piece of black cording hung the silver wrapped stone from it and tied it around Patience's neck like her own was. “There now ya have a beautiful neck stone like ma stone.” Morgana smiled brightly. “Ya like?”

“I like, yes.” Patience perked back up once the stone laid back against her chest. A noticeable change came back over her. Morgana decided to try some other stones to see their effect on her. Removing the Snowflake Obsidian from around her neck they tried other stonebut non had the calming effect. One or two had other effects though so Morgana placed them into a pouch inside a small pouch and attached it to Patience's sash around her waist just in case they ever needed them in the future–a good healer always carries anything that might come in handy to heal what ails their patients–with Patience just starting to show healing abilities it is a good idea to bring what might help her with her new found ability. “There ya go keep them in there along with the herbs we selected for ya earlier. Wear them at all time OK.” Patience bobbed her head up and down.

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