Chapter 16 A Walk Through The Village

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Dark Moon of the Red DawnBy: LadyDawn

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 16 A Walk Through The Village

Sun shining in through Morgana's window, a pretty shade of yellow with just the hint of red, fading off as it climbs up just beyond the horizon. The sounds of a tea kettle whistling off in the distance, a light clatter of pottery and the sound of water flowing in the sink down below. Yup thing are back to normal one would think by the this assumption wouldn't you say?

Morgana clambers out of her comfy warm bed to pad over to the table by the window upon which sits a pottery vase filled with water sitting in a large bowl to wash her face, neck and hands before changing into her daily garb. A quick peak out the window revels just as she suspected, another beautiful day in the land of The Red Dawn Tribe.

Once Morgana was dressed for the day, she descended the stairs to the living area where the dog was anxiously waiting her to be let out the back door for his morning constitution in the hills. She walked Dog quickly to the door, opened it to the relief of the dog, who scampered straight to the mountain path like his tail was on fire. Morgana stood their watching dog run like the fire, shaking her head side to side with a slight giggle, then shut the door before heading to the kitchen to join, Patience. Patience.

“Morn Patience. I let Dog out. What ya making?” she looked over Patience's shoulder into the pot on the stove. Patience shot her shoulder up to blocked what she was making for them to eat from Morgana's view.

“Ya never mind, sit n drink ya tea while I fix ya food.” Patience hid a smirk on her face.

“Yes ma'am,” Morgana shot out with a smile. Patience was in a rare mood this morning and Morgana like this change in her. She sat down in her usual spot and started sipping her teaLavender Mint TeaMorgana's favorite. She sat watching Patience work at the stove stirring something in a cast iron pot on the wood burning stove that smelled delicious. A few minutes later Patience finished what she was doing and pulled two soup bowls down from the shelves above the left side of the sink, and filled each with what she just finished making. Then she sprinkled a little something on top that Morgana couldn't see. Patience was being very secretive about what she was making. She pulled off her cute apron hung it on the hook by the doorway near the living room before bring the two bowls to the table setting one before Morgana.

Inside was the most delicious bowl of home made, hand ground oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon, topped with fresh wild blueberries and strawberries. She had hand grown the oats herself this early this morning fresh from a delivery of oats left in the kitchen overnight by one of the villagers as well as all the berries. It was a gift to say thank you for what they both did the day before.

“Eat up, I make special for ya,” Patience began. “Ya like?” She asked. A smile played on her pretty young face. She was always doing things like this early in the morning for them when the villagers would drop off fruit and vegetables.

“Ya it is good,” Morgana spoke between bites of food. She was eating a bit faster that she would normally... it really was delicious. She stopped eating hearing Dog at the back door. Morgana went to rise up to get the door to let him back in. “Dog wants in.”

“Sit. I get it.” Patience jumped up and ran to the door to let Dog in. They still hadn't named him yet calling him Dog same as they always have from the beginning when they first took him away from his original family. Dog has been their faithful friend, and shaman familiar to both of them ever since. “He a mess need a bath,” Patience came back in shaking her head and holding two fingers clamped over her nose indicating that dog stunk as she sat back down to finish eating. “I give him one when I done.” she added.

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