Chapter 23❤ "Wifey & Hubby"

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*Dana's P.O.V*

"Where's my wife?" Luke asked my classmates when he didnt saw me. Im at the back so its kinda hard to see.

"Yiee! She's there!" a group of girl squealed. Aish!

Since that 'married' thing happened, Luke has been calling me 'Wifey' and he always insisted to call him 'Hubby'. Cheesy, I know. But I admit, I like it.

"Hi, wifey!" he said as he sat next to me.

"What do you want, Robert?"

"Dont call me Robert. Call me hubby!" he said then he take a look of my wrist. "Good, you're wearing it" he referred to the bracelet that we exchanged at the ceremony.

"Have you eaten?" he asked.

"Not yet. Im still full" i answered.

"Lets grab lunch together, okay?" he asked and I nodded.

Why is he acting like this? Not that he wasnt concern to me before. Its just different. And it made my insides go crazy.

Whatever you're doing, Luke, its affecting me. Alot.


"I wonder, what are today's menu" I said.

"I hope they got chickens" Luke said.

"You're so obsessed with chickens" i gave him a look.

"Its delicious!" he exclaimed.

"You'll get veeery fat" I teased.

"Nuh-uh. And if ever I get fat, im still cute!" He beamed and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Dana! Can I get your number?" a guy named Trevor walked unto me.

"Sure!" I smiled and I gave him my digits.

"And you are?" Luke asked him. And he also gave him a look.

"Trevor, bro!" Trevor gave out his hands to shake with Luke's but Luke just ignored it.


"Kay" Luke said and he gripped my wrist then pull me to the canteen, leaving Trevor there. I just shot an apologetic look to him and he waved.

"You're so rude" I said once we
sat down.

"Why are you giving your number to random guys?" he asked, and he's serious.

"Uhm he's not a random guy--"

"My point is, you shouldnt give your number!"

"Dont overreact! He's my partner at a presentation. That is why he's getting my number. There's nothing wrong with that!" i replied back. He's annoying.

"I dont want you giving out your numbers to any guy, Dana" he said.

"You cant make me" i said then I stood up and leave him there.

A little banter, again.


I sat alone underneath the tree here in our village's park. I havent gone home yet. I dont want to see Luke.

What he did awhile really pissed me off. He cant just tell me that! I can make friends with anyone I like.

Its not like giving out my number to a guy can kill me. Its not dangerous.


I picked out the poor grass. I still dont want to go home. And its very calming here.

I closed my eyes and I fell asleep.

I was walking in a very empty hallway. Then a light catches my eye. I walked near it but before I can reach there, a voice stopped me.

"Dont" the voice said.

"Who are you?" i asked as I scan the room but I can't figure out where the voice belongs to.

"Dont get caught"

"From whom?" I asked.

"Just dont. Or else you'll regret it"

"I dont understand what you're trying to say"

"Stop what you are feeling. Its will hurt you" 

"What do you mea--" i was cutted off when the scene changed and I saw Luke and Elliniese talking.

"Hey!" i tried catching off their attention but nothing.

Then the scene changed again. This time, I saw myself in Luke's arms.

"I love you, Dana" he said.

What is this? What could this mean?

"Just remember that, Dana"

This is so confusing.




"Dana! Hey! Its me, Luke! Wake up!" I jolted up when Luke shaked me.

Thank God, its all just a dream.

Its very weird though.

"Where am I?" I asked him.

"I found you at the park and I brought you here in my car" he said. "What are you doing there? Its dangerous to sleep at the park! Thank God, I saw you. Someone could take advantage"

"Sorry" i mumbled

"Dont apologize. Its my fault. I shouldnt have told you what to do. Im sorry" He apologized and holds my hand.

"I shouldnt have walked out on you too. That's kinda rude" I said.

"Sorry. I just dont want other guys getting close to you" he said.

"Why is that?"

"I-i feel jealous" he looked down.

"No one can take your place, Luke. You're my one and only bestfriend" i smiled at him.

"Its not that" he paused then he looked into my eyes "I dont want any guys near you because im jealous that they might get you from me. Its not because im afraid that they'll take my place as your bestfriend...." 

I dont get him.

"I like you, Dana. And I think im starting to fall"

A/N: Hehehe. Dem feeeeelz!! Thanks for those who greeted me for my birthday :D

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