Chapter 7: Things we Keep for Ourselves

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1st Ward 


"I thought I'd be the first one to arrive", Yoriko panted as she tried to beat the time of the appointment. She got late with one minute. "If Touka saw the message, she'd be here the earliest", Rikina chuckled. "Why are you wearing an eye patch? Did you hurt your left eye?", the lady cupped her face. She recalled the time Rikina came to school using a CCG's motorcycle. "I accidentally scratched it", the lady massaged her nape.

Why are you always lying?

"Shall we have a walk? It doesn't seem like it's going to rain anytime soon", Rikina led the way. 

Why are you always the one walking in front of us?

It is as if you don't want us to see what reaction you're making. 

"Any response from Touka-chan?", Yoriko asked. "None but if I do get a message from her, I'll send it to you right away", the white head turned to Yoriko and raised her phone. There was always a resting smile painted on her face making it difficult to read her at times. "Kina-chan, the truth is-", Yoriko was about to tell her that she knew about the lady working at CCG. 

"Special Class Imai", a voice called to her. "Takeomi-kun", Rikina waved her hands and slightly shook her head. "I can see you with someone. A friend?", Takeomi turned to look at the lady with her superior who was the same age as him. She visits the academy to teach them about ghouls. "She's a dear friend of mine. Kosaka Yoriko. This is Kuroiwa Takeomi",  Rikina introduced them to each other. "What did you just call her?", Yoriko tilted her head. "It's a kind of joke we played with each other. He's studying at CCG Academy. It just happened that my father will bring me there occasionally", the lady tried to make a lame reason. Yoriko saw discomfort in Rikina's face, something she doesn't usually see. 

"Why don't you join us?", Yoriko invited. Takeomi and Rikina were both surprised by the invitation. Kuroiwa knew how wide the gap between him and the special class officer was. "I dare not to-", he was about to say something but saw Rikina with a gentle smile. "We're all here so why not?", the whitehead nodded. "I just have to give Takeomi-kun a brief pep talk", Rikina dragged the lad and they ended up on a park bench. 

Park Bench

Takeomi was just dazed that he was sitting next to his superior. "Takeomi-kun. You can lose the formality. Right now, I am just a freshly graduated high schooler who is having a date with my friend. I don't want to deceive her or give countless lies. I just hoped not to burden her more with all the pain that comes from knowing what I do", the lady explained. "I see. How's your eyes, Imai-san? I heard that it was an injury from your encounter with the Owl", Takeomi recalled his father's lost limb. "I am recovering. I'm getting used to the eye implant. I kept the old one since it wasn't that damaged. However, the doctor said it might not heal. I am still keeping it", Rikina held on to her eye patch. 

Inner Garden

"What a beautiful place", Yoriko ran towards the bed of flowers and just gave a long stare. "Do you like flowers, Kosaka-san?", Takeomi followed after her. "My grandparents are florists so I get to grow up being given flowers now and then", the lady answered. She started educating Takeomi about the names of the flowers and their meaning. 

Rikina just stood a few meters away from them. 

Special Class Shinohara is unconscious so we will make another specialized squad. 

Juzou Suzuya will be promoted and will become the squad commander. 

As for Special Class Imai, you are to work closely with Arima. You know what that means, right?

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