#21: Beyond The Usual

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1st Ward

Re: Cafe

A group of former investigators, Aigiri Tree, White Suit, Blades, and ghouls gathered in the cafe. Everyone is at the edge and wants to get neck to neck with those who once killed someone dear to them.

You killed my brother!

We won't forget how you didn't feel remorse for turning our comrades into weapons!

We're here just because of Arima's order.

How are we supposed to trust you?!

The television was turned on with the group turning their focus on what was being shown in the news. The Washuu clan, the head of CCG, is already gone. One of its buildings in the 22nd Ward is being torn down. They smelled coffee and knew it was something they could bond with. Touka served them with their coffee and they all seemed to calm down.


After visiting Akira, Kaneki went to the rooftop to get some fresh air. Of course, it will be difficult to organize a group of individuals who once were enemies. His eyes turned ghoul as he felt someone's presence. At the sight of the raven-headed lady, he calmed down and deactivated his ghoul eyes. The man sat on the edge and stared at the horizon. "What are you doing here?", Kaneki asked with a little concern.

"I'm just checking on my friend, Touka. I want to tease her after your memory returns", Rikina also stood at the edge and peeked at the lower ground. It didn't feel scary for her. Just one wrong footing and she can fall to her death. "You have a different smell", Kaneki finally recognized as they were just a meter away from each other. "That's not good Kaneki-san. It's not proper to comment on a woman's smell", she gave a short laugh. The man furrowed his brow and grabbed the lady's shoulder.

"Did they experiment on you because of your wound? I heard from Hirako that you sustained a huge hole in your chest because you had a battle with Furuta. You knew he would go after me so you stayed behind", Kaneki gulped, and already made sense why he was able to leave easily along with the other ghouls. "You're pounding me with so much information", Rikina chuckled and played with her tone. "Sorry. I should have-", Kaneki lowered his head.

"You cannot save everyone even if you want to", Rikina pushed the leader of the ghouls. Kaneki was startled since she might fall. His eyes widened to see kagune attached to her back. "So they did turn you into a ghoul", he felt apologetic. The lady didn't find it as a need to explain. "I'll just ask permission to see my dear Touka. They might tear me into pieces if you won't go inside with me", Rikina shrugged.


Nishiki and Tsukiyama activated their kagune. "She's a friend", Kaneki went in front of her. "Your friend but not ours", Naki remembered her face on multiple occasions. He knew how strong the investigator was. With the presence of former investigators, she might defeat most of them. "Touka, it's been a long time", Rikina ignored all of them and hugged the lady. Touka didn't seem fazed by their expression and served the Rikina's usual order.

"She's actually-", Kaneki was about to tell Touka about the ghoulification of Rikina but the lady gobbled the cake. "Delicious as always!", she commented and she talked to the lady as if they were the only ones in the room. "Hey~ Do you think you can just walk in and start having a chat with another ghoul?", Naki grabbed her neck and raised her in the air. "Let go of her", Touka slightly raised her voice.

"There is no need to worry. She, just like most of us, is a ghoul", Kaneki revealed. Touka's eyes widened and noticed that her eyes were back to being blue. "You're already that crazy strong and you turned into a ghoul. I will be glad this time that you're on our side", Naki let her go and backed off. "How were you able to eat the cake?", Yomo served another one. "You're being generous this time. Is this free? I don't have any cash on me", she said and ate it again.


"Where are your parents?", Touka asked as they were washing the cups. "Amon-san brought them somewhere safe", the lady answered while wiping the dishes. "How were you able to eat the cake/ Were you pretending again?", the dark blue-haired lady furrowed her brow. "Unlike Kaneki-san, I wasn't ghoulified by experimentation or by injecting RC cells", the lady turned in Touka's direction. "My father was a ghoul who became a human. I think when I was near at death's door, a small amount of RC cells were triggered and activated until they multiplied at an alarmingly fast rate", Rikina informed.

"Your father...became-", Touka felt like dropping the plate she was holding. "The Washuu Clan...", the lady leaned on the sink and stared at the ceiling. "My ancestors played with something they shouldn't. When they realized the monstrous thing they did, some of them wanted to turn back to being humans. That's why CCG was created. All they ever wanted...was to become humans once more", Rikina's revelation shocked Touka to the core. There was a possibility for ghouls to be humans. There is a possibility for her to taste whatever Yoriko had been cooking for the past years.

"Then, what are you?", Touka was brought back to reality. The lady didn't give an answer and wiped her hands. "I am Rikina, Touka", she exited the kitchen. Touka just smiled and felt relieved that the two of them were on the same side now.

The next days,


Akira woke up and heard a girl singing. "You're already awake, Akira-san. I'd go call on someone", Rikina clapped and was about to leave but Akira grabbed her hair. "Mind explaining where I am?", the blonde looked around. "I don't think I am the best person to explain things", the younger lady chuckled and ran as fast as she could.


She met Amon carrying Akira's cat. "She's awake now. I am hoping you can have a peaceful conversation", the lady said with a gentle tone. "Aren't you going to come with me?", Amon invited. "No~ I don't want to get caught in the crossfire", Rikina waved her hands and walked away. "Imai, Furuta is already making a move on looking for Ken. Will you be fine facing your former comrades?", Amon's word made the lady slow her pace in walking away. The lady didn't give an answer and continued walking away.

She saw Takizawa along the way. "I need a sparing partner", she dragged him along. "Where are you taking me?", the ghoul struggled to get away from the former investigator, someone who used to be her comrade.

Parking Lot

Rikina removed her shirt showing a tank top. "Are you serious?", Takizawa clicked his tongue. "I am", the lady activated her kagune and crashed one of the cars. "Don't kill me", the man went along with the lady's sparring session.

Amon accompanied Akira and gave assistance. She wishes to see what became of her. The blonde covered her mouth to see the lady with kagune but her eyes remained as human. "What is she?", the lady said under her breath. Amon just watched two of her former comrades display a high level of fighting skills.

After sometime, Kaneki went to check on the two since they had been fighting non-stop for four hours. "Did you have your fill?", Takizawa noticed how preoccupied the lady was while they were sparring. Even with such deep thoughts, Rikina was still unscathed while Takizawa lost three of his kagune. The lady picked something from her pocket and threw it on Takizawa. He was able to catch it. "From now on, you will only eat whatever Kaneki-san will provide", she winked. "You lost, that means you have to follow the winner", she waved and started walking away. Kaneki walked behind her.


"You're strong, Imai. I'm glad you're not my enemy", Kaneki sighed. Rikina just gave a soft laugh. The man was right. She is not an enemy to the ghoul who are just trying to live as they are. "Kaneki-san. A few days or weeks from now, V, an organization that is to maintain order and balance between humans and ghouls will appear. I have read that if something happens to CCG, they have a backup organization with capable fighters", the lady opened. "Thank you for telling me", the man turned in her direction and stopped walking. "You need to mobilize 'goat' or else, they will be caught in a surprise attack", Rikina suggested.

"I am planning to call a meeting", the man nodded. "Also-", the lady's voice cracked. "Protect whatever you want to protect, Imai. You're free. Not bounded by the CCG nor the GOAT. You are just you", Kaneki smiled and Rikina felt warm. She nodded and bowed very low.

Chapter end.

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