Chapter 11: Turn It All Upside Down

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Re: Cafe

Rikina was about to go back to her seat but saw familiar figures. She smiled and hid on the wall. She received a notification on her phone. It was a photo of Yoriko and Takeomi having a date. "I will always wish the best for the both of you", the lady turned and saw a back door. She used it to exit. She left her payment on the shoe rack.

The next day

CCG Headquarters- Meeting Room

Quinxie and Suzuya's squad are to join forces to catch Nutcracker, a ghoul responsible for also bringing humans into auction to be food or slaves. Urie just stared at the pieces of paper that were distributed to them. In order to get more of the RC cells, he stole the signature stamp of Haise and even lied to Arima.

Rikina pushed the lad's forehead. "They're nearly going to combine", she commented. "Special Class Investigator", he wasn't able to recognize her presence due to his preoccupation with his next injection. "I heard that the Quinxie will have a very special mission so I just dropped by to listen to the details. Don't mind me. Plus, I am also here to make sure that Suzuya will not cause too much trouble", she gave a smile.

The door opened and a black-haired Juzou entered running directly to Haise. He sniffed him and looked for snacks. He was able to collect them all. Hanbee Abara, a squad member of Juzou also gave a clap. The man had been managing the investigator's life since Shinohara went into comatose.


Donato Porpora, a former ghoul priest who fed on the orphans called Haise. He had been given opportunities as he is an informant giving details of the ghouls he encountered when he was still outside the secured prison for ghouls.

Visiting Room

The divider was a bullet-proof and specialized king of glass. "It's not the tasty youngster back then. Now, it's a fresh-looking investigator. I wonder how your skin tastes if I lick it", Donato fixed his eyes on the white-haired lady. "I'm not the one you called for a conversation", Rikina didn't dare look at the ghoul. "How heartless. You could at least give me some of your stares. I'll feast on them. I love those discolored eyes. I have always hated perfection. Your imperfections are so captivating", Donato said with a casual tone.

"What is it that you have called me for?", Haise covered the view for Donato. "What will you do if you're memories come back?", the ghoul taunted Haise with such a question he repeatedly asked. Rikina just leaned on the wall waiting for their conversation to end. She didn't butt in even if Akira told her to make sure Haise will have no triggers.

"I am interested in one ghoul. He might be a key to unlocking your memories", Donato mentioned a name making Rikina turn in his direction. "Finally, you looked at me", the ghoul gave a sinister smile.


"Hirako-san~", Rikina noticed his back and called on his name. "Imai-san", Takeomi and Kuramoto greeted at the same time and gave a salute. "Imai is fine, Kuramoto-san. You're quite older than me so it flatters me if you call me as such", the lady whispered. "I dare not to speak so impolitely", the fox-eyes pointed at Hirako who was just watching them. "Then, we'll see each other at the usual place. See you", the lady waved at them and also made a bigger wave at Hirako.

The two continued walking. "You're quite famous with the investigators", Haise noticed. "Takeomi-kun is my friend's lover. Kuramoto and I would always tag along with their dates whenever we have our day off", Rikina informed. "I see. I have to congratulate investigator Kuroiwa the next time I see him", Haise nodded. The lady looked at her watch and saw that there's still time before they commenced their mission with the nutcracker.

22nd Ward CCG Cemetery

Haise walks behind the white-haired carrying a large bouquet of flowers. The man looked around and felt saddened by the number of tombs. Because of the silence, he was able to feel mixed emotions. He felt relieved that they already rested and didn't have to deal with the constant battle. At the same time, he also felt angered that they had to perish and leave their loved ones. He clenched his fist and bit his lip. "These are people who were killed during battles with ghouls. Some of them died on the mission and some tried to fight for their last breath but weren't able to escape death", Rikina broke the silence. Haise looked away and felt a certain guilt piercing his heart. He cannot remember if he also killed people when he was a ghoul before his memories were erased.

"What are you feeling, Sasaki-san?", Rikina started pulling flowers from the bouquet and leaving them on the tombs. "I cannot put them into words", the man gave a nervous laugh. The lady continued gently dropping flowers and paying respect. "Whenever I come here, I want to think of good memories. Hashimoto-san was a classmate in the academy, he would always give me milk so that I could grow faster. I did grow. Nishimiya-san was a visiting lecturer. She talked about how ghouls and human have difficulty bearing a child. She was also interested in jewelry and said she'd open a business once the war with ghoul was over", the lady had a smile plastered on her face. She went on telling stories about the investigators she's been with.

"But I wouldn't turn a blind eye to those ghouls I also killed. Just like me, they have comrades they shared memories with", Rikina stood in front of Kureo Mado's tomb, the investigator that Touka killed. "As of this time, all I can say is that I am doing this for the future that I hope to see. I want to believe that they also laid the foundation for the next generation to come", the lady reached out to the open space in front of her.

"I told mine, I hope to hear yours someday, Sasaki-san. Why are you fighting?", she turned in his direction. Haise might not notice it but Rikina can see his other ghoul eye activated. She didn't mind preparing to engage in battle because she had confidence in the man.

Quinxie Headquarters

"Good to see you again, Saiko-chan", Rikina gave the lady a hug. "Special Class Investigator. What are you doing with Sassan?", Shirazu tilted his head. "We visited Cochlea. He also asked for my specialty", the lady winked. "It's such a shame that I won't be able to fix Urie", she sighed. "Tonight, we're going to be women!", Haise shouted and shocked the team.


They can hear Saiko and Rikina laughing upstairs as they fix Shirazu. "They sound like they're having fun", Mutsuki commented as she watched Haise prepare for their dinner. It might be a long night so he also has to prepare a big meal. "You've been spending a lot of time with Imai-san", Mutsuki noticed. "Akira-san is being assigned with other tasks so she needs to cover up being my monitor", Haise explained. "I see. Are you fine being a woman? I mean, I know it's for the mission-", Mutsuki cannot find the words to say that she's afraid of being exposed as a woman.

"I'll do what I can to save those who are being auctioned", he said with a smile. Urie entered the house. He just had RC cells injected into him so he feels sluggish. Shirazu went down trying to escape the two. He is wearing a dress and with make-up. "What are you doing?", Urie sighed and felt relieved that he was not joining the mission as soon as Shirazu explained why they had to dress up. "It's such a shame. I also wanted to see Urie in dress", Rikina whined.

Chapter end.

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